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Gas exchange occurs in the alveoli of the lungs.

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3mo ago

Alveoli in the lungs provide the greatest surface area for gas exchange in the body. They are tiny air sacs that are surrounded by capillaries where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged during respiration. The numerous alveoli increase the total surface area available for this gas exchange process.

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13y ago

The alveoli sacs in the interior of the lungs. The skin does not exchange gases.

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13y ago

The alveolus in the lungs are specialized to provide the surface for rapid gas exchange. This is achieved by a single layer of squamous epithelial cells which lack many organelles.

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Q: What provide the greatest surface area for gas exchange?
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Explain why large active organisms need special surface for exchange?

Large active organisms need specialized exchange surfaces because their size requires a high surface area to volume ratio in order to efficiently exchange gases, nutrients, and waste products with their environment. Without these specialized surfaces, the transport of essential substances would be limited by diffusion and could not meet the demands of the organism's high metabolic rate.

What is the function of the fungal portion of a mycorrhizae?

The fungal portion of mycorrhizae helps facilitate the exchange of nutrients between the plant and the soil. It can increase the surface area for nutrient absorption, improve water uptake, and provide protection against pathogens.

How is surface area important to gas exchange?

Surface area is important to gas exchange because it determines the amount of area available for diffusion of gases across membranes. Increasing surface area, such as through structures like alveoli in the lungs or gills in fish, enhances the efficiency of gas exchange by allowing more oxygen to be absorbed and carbon dioxide to be released. This enables organisms to obtain necessary gases for metabolism and eliminate waste products effectively.

Convolutions of the brain provide increased what?

Convolutions of the brain provide increased surface area for more neurons to be packed in, allowing for greater processing power in a compact space. This increased surface area also enables more connections between neurons, facilitating complex information processing and cognitive functions.

How does it surface area to volume ratio change as the cell gets bigger?

As a cell gets bigger, its volume increases more rapidly than its surface area. This results in a decreased surface area to volume ratio. A smaller surface area to volume ratio can affect the cell's ability to efficiently exchange nutrients and wastes with its environment.

Related questions

What provides a large surface area for gas exchange?

Your lungs provide a very large surface area for gas exchange.

What does the capillary network in each gill filament provide?

A high surface area for gas exchange.

What organ does oxygen pass from into the capillaries?

I believe its the alveoli in the lungs. These alveoli provide a large surface area for gaseous exchange.

The greatest area for gas exchange in the lungs is provided by?

greatest area for gas exchange in the lungs is provided by Whoever wrote the above answer is a dick head. Try ALVEOLI.

The folds of the inner sac provide what?

The folds of the inner sac (cristae) in mitochondria provide an increased surface area for the enzymes and other proteins involved in the electron transport chain and ATP synthesis to be located, allowing for more efficient energy production.

What happens if the surface area of the respiratory membrane decrease in gas exchange?

A decrease in the surface area of the respiratory membrane will result in a decrease in gas exchange.

The greatest surface area for gas exchange occurs within the?

alveoli of the lungs. These tiny sacs are surrounded by a network of capillaries, allowing for efficient exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and the bloodstream.

How does your body adopt surface area to volume ratio to help exchange gases?

The respiration system adopts to the surface area to volume ratio to help the exchange of gases.

What placental structure has villi?

The chorionic villi, which are finger-like projections on the surface of the chorion (part of the fetal membrane), contain blood vessels that allow for the exchange of nutrients and waste between the mother and the fetus.

Which scottish loch has the greatest surface area?

Loch Ness is the Scottish loch with the greatest surface area, covering an approximate area of 56.4 square kilometers.

What happens to the greatest common factor of the cylinders' surface area if its radius is squared?

Nothing. The cylinder's surface area does not have a GCF.

What is the function of a guard?

To increase the surface area for gaseous exchange.