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Well, most of the energy in living systems can be traced from the sun. The sun emits photons of light, and this light powers photosynthesis in plants, allowing plants to convert water and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and oxygen. This energy stored in oxygen and carbohydrates can then be harnessed by non-autotrophs such asgrasshoppers birds, humans, etc.

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Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the molecule that provides almost all of the energy in living systems needed for metabolism. It is produced during cellular respiration and powers various cellular processes by releasing energy when its chemical bonds are broken.

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Q: What provides almost all of the energy in living systems needed for metabolism?
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Why does aerobic metabolism have an advantage over anaerobic metabolism in living things?

Aerobic metabolism produces more ATP (energy) per molecule of glucose compared to anaerobic metabolism, making it more efficient for supplying energy to cells. Aerobic metabolism also generates less lactic acid, reducing the risk of muscle fatigue and allowing for longer sustained activity. Additionally, aerobic metabolism allows for the utilization of a wider range of substrates for energy production compared to anaerobic metabolism.

Describe the physiology of the digestive cardio vascular and respiratory systems in relation to energy metabolism?

The digestive system breaks down food into nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which are absorbed by blood vessels into the bloodstream. These nutrients are then transported to cells where they are used to produce energy through metabolic processes. The cardiovascular system helps circulate these nutrients and oxygen to cells while removing waste products. The respiratory system provides oxygen to cells and eliminates carbon dioxide, a byproduct of energy metabolism. Together, these systems work to support energy metabolism in the body.

How many aspect of metabolism do we have?

There are three main aspects of metabolism: catabolism, anabolism, and energy metabolism. Catabolism involves breaking down molecules to release energy, anabolism involves building molecules and using energy, and energy metabolism includes the processes that produce and utilize energy in the body.

What biological process provides most of organisn's thermal energy?

Metabolism is the biological process that provides most of an organism's thermal energy. As organisms break down nutrients through metabolic processes like cellular respiration, heat is released as a byproduct, which helps regulate body temperature.

Are living organisms open or closed systems?

Living organisms are open systems. They exchange energy and matter with their surroundings to maintain their internal processes, such as metabolism and homeostasis. This exchange allows them to respond to changes in their environment and adapt to different conditions.

Related questions

Where does the energy that drives metabolism in animals come from?

sunlightThe energy that drives metabolism in animals comes from the food they eat. Food is converted to calories, which is the energy that fuels different systems in the body.

What energy systems are mainly used by a 100m sprinter?

anaerobic metabolism system

A substance that provides a form of energy?

Carbohydrates, such as sugars and starches, are a common substance that provide energy for the body when broken down through metabolism.

What type of energy provides almost all earths energy?


What cardiac muscle cell obtain energy almost exclusively through?

metabolism of fats.

Why does aerobic metabolism have an advantage over anaerobic metabolism in living things?

Aerobic metabolism produces more ATP (energy) per molecule of glucose compared to anaerobic metabolism, making it more efficient for supplying energy to cells. Aerobic metabolism also generates less lactic acid, reducing the risk of muscle fatigue and allowing for longer sustained activity. Additionally, aerobic metabolism allows for the utilization of a wider range of substrates for energy production compared to anaerobic metabolism.

How does the movement of matter and energy through biological systems impact you?

The movement of matter and energy through biological systems is critical for sustaining life. It influences the metabolism, growth, and overall functioning of organisms, including humans. For example, the food we eat provides us with energy and nutrients necessary for our bodily functions and activities. Any disruptions in this movement can lead to imbalances and affect our health.

Is oxidative phosphorylation necessary for metabolism function?

Yes, oxidative phosphorylation is a vital part of cellular metabolism as it produces the majority of ATP in aerobic organisms. ATP is the primary energy source for cellular processes, making oxidative phosphorylation crucial for overall metabolism function.

A high concentration of H in the thylakoid compartment provides energy for what?

A high concentration of H+ in the thylakoid compartment provides the energy for ATP synthesis during the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. This gradient is created through the coupling of electron transport and proton pumping by the photosystems in the thylakoid membrane.

The major organ systems of the body that are involved in metabolism or excretion are the what?

The major organ systems involved in metabolism are the digestive system, which breaks down food into nutrients for energy, and the endocrine system, which regulates metabolism through hormones. The major organ systems involved in excretion are the urinary system, which removes waste from the blood in the form of urine, and the respiratory system, which eliminates carbon dioxide.

How is the sun is the primary source of energy on earth?

The sun is the primary source of energy on Earth because it emits electromagnetic radiation, including light and heat, which powers biological processes through photosynthesis in plants and provides warmth that drives weather patterns and ocean currents. This solar energy is captured by plants and converted into chemical energy, which is then passed through the food chain to all living organisms.

What is the scientific study of energy?

The scientific study of energy is known as energetics. Energetics involves the study of energy transfer, energy conversion, and the principles governing these processes in various systems, such as biological, chemical, and physical systems.