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This type of pollution would be called microbial pollution or microbiological pollution. It can negatively impact the environment by introducing potentially harmful microorganisms into water bodies through the drainage system. This can disrupt ecosystems and pose risks to human health if the microbes are pathogenic.

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Q: What pollution is it called when at a research lab a scientist carelessly pours cultures of living moicrobes down the drain?
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A scientist who is interested in studying the uses of plants by native peoples is known as a?

An ethnobotanist. Ethnobotanists study how different cultures use plants for food, medicine, and other purposes, often focusing on indigenous knowledge and traditional practices.

Why are aerobic cultures drawn before anaerobic cultures?

Aerobic cultures are typically drawn first because aerobic bacteria are more likely to be present in the sample and grow faster than anaerobic bacteria. This allows for quicker identification and treatment of potential infections.

What process is best for the short-term storage of bacterial cultures?

The best process for short-term storage of bacterial cultures is to store them in a refrigerator at 4°C on an agar plate or in a sterile broth. Storing cultures in this manner will help maintain their viability for a few weeks. Alternatively, bacterial cultures can also be stored in glycerol stocks at -80°C for longer-term storage.

What kinds of clinical specimens may yield a mixed flora in bacterial cultures?

Clinical specimens such as sputum, wound swabs, and feces are common sources of mixed flora in bacterial cultures. These specimens can contain a variety of different bacterial species, which may complicate the interpretation of culture results.

Why is it important to use fresh cultures in a coagulase test?

Using fresh cultures in a coagulase test is important to obtain accurate results. The presence of viable and active bacteria in a fresh culture ensures that the enzyme coagulase is active and able to induce clotting of plasma, which is necessary for a positive test result. Using old or expired cultures may lead to false negative results due to decreased enzyme activity.