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Nuclear DNA replicates in the S phase. Mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA replicate independently of the rest of the cell. Interphase is composed of the G1, S, and G2 phase. G means growth. S means synthesis.

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12y ago
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2mo ago

DNA is replicated during the S phase of the cell cycle. This is when the cell prepares to divide by duplicating its DNA content to ensure that each daughter cell receives a complete set of genetic information.

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9y ago

DNa replication and DNA repair take place in S phase of cell cycle.

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13y ago

During the s phase in interphase

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11y ago

S phase

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Q: What phase the cell cycle is DNA replicated?
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DNA is replicated at this time of the cell cycle?

DNA is replicated during the S phase of the cell cycle. This phase is when the cell synthesizes a copy of its DNA to prepare for cell division.

Which event in the cell cycle is DNA duplicated?

DNA duplication occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle. This is when the DNA is replicated to ensure that each daughter cell receives a complete set of genetic information.

During which phase of the cell cycle is DNa replicated?

DNA is replicated during the S phase of the cell cycle, which stands for synthesis. This is when the cell's DNA is duplicated to ensure that each daughter cell receives a complete set of genetic information.

What phase is DNA replicated in?

DNA is replicated in the S phase of Interphase

When is DNA replicated during the cell cycle?

G2 phase

What time is DNA replicated during the cell cycle?

DNA replication occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle. This phase follows the G1 phase and precedes the G2 phase. It is during the S phase that the cell duplicates its DNA to prepare for cell division.

In what phase is DNA replicated and other cell material are copied?

DNA is replicated during the S phase of the cell cycle, where the cell duplicates its DNA. The process of copying other cell materials, such as organelles and proteins, occurs continuously throughout the cell cycle as the cell prepares for division.

What is happens during the s phase of the cell cycle?

DNA is replicated.

When does the cell cycle begin?

The cell cycle begins with a phase called G1, or gap 1, during which the cell grows and prepares for DNA replication. This phase is followed by the S phase, where the DNA is replicated, and then continues through the remaining phases of the cell cycle.

What stage of cell cycle does DNA duplication occurs?

DNA duplication occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle. This is when the DNA in the cell is replicated in preparation for cell division.

When will DNA be replicated?

DNA is replicated during the S phase of the cell cycle, which occurs before cell division. The precise timing of DNA replication can vary depending on the cell type and the specific stage of development.

Chromosomal DNA is duplicated or replicated during?

Synthesis of Interphase, before the Mitotic Phase in the cell cycle.