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They are classified by a few main areas, or kingdoms

There are

Animals-The organisms that move, like us

Plants-The organisms that produce there own food, like trees

Fungi-The organisms that are like plants (they cant move) but they also cant create there own food. They grow on top of stuff with nutrients, like mushrooms that grow on top of decomposed stuff. And mold that grows on bread, ETC.

Protists-They are a mixture of all the above kingdoms, some can produce there own food and move.

Monera-They are the small bacteria that live everywhere.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

It is estimated that only a small fraction of the world's organisms have been classified. Some estimates suggest that only around 10-20% of all species on Earth have been described and classified by scientists.

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