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June Douglas

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1y ago
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3mo ago

Transpiration, where plants release water vapor through their leaves, is the biological part of the water cycle. This process plays a significant role in the movement of water from the soil to the atmosphere.

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Q: What part of the water cycle is a biological?
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Which are the five cycles?

The five cycles typically refer to the cycles of life, which are birth, growth, reproduction, aging, and death. These cycles are a natural part of the life process for all living organisms.

Can a human live for ever?

No, it is currently not possible for humans to live forever due to biological limitations and the inevitable process of aging. Additionally, death is a natural part of the life cycle.

Which process produces the most quantity of ATP per molecule of glucose?

Krebs's cycle or citric acid cycle or T.C.A. ( Tricarboxylic acid. ) cycle part of 'biological oxidation' gives maximum energy. As in this part of biological oxidation that oxygen is used to get 6 carbon bi oxide and 6 water molecules. About 70 % of the ATP molecules are produced in Krebs's cycle.

What is an impotant part of the cycle that has made and kept the earth a place where living things can survive?

The water cycle is an important part of the Earth's system that creates and maintains the conditions necessary for life to thrive. It involves the constant movement of water through evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff, providing living organisms with the essential resource of water. Additionally, the water cycle helps regulate temperatures and influences weather patterns, creating a stable environment for living things.

How does water system through the nonliving part of an ecosystem?

Water flows through the nonliving part of an ecosystem through processes like precipitation, runoff, infiltration, and evaporation. It interacts with rocks, soil, and air as it cycles through the environment, affecting the availability of nutrients and shaping the landscape. This movement of water is essential for sustaining life and functioning of ecosystems.

Related questions

What part of the water cycle is the biological process?


Is transpiration part of the water cycle in the biological process?

yes it is

What part of the water cycle is a biological process?

Transpiration is a biological process in the water cycle where plants release water vapor through their leaves. It involves the movement of water from the soil, through the plant, and into the atmosphere.

Which part part water cycle is the biological process?

Transpiration is the biological process in the water cycle where plants absorb water from the soil through their roots and release water vapor through their leaves into the atmosphere. This process plays a crucial role in maintaining the water cycle's balance and regulating Earth's climate.

Which part of the water cycle is a biological process?

Transpiration is the biological process in the water cycle where plants release water vapor through their leaves into the atmosphere. This process helps regulate temperature and humidity levels and contributes to cloud formation and precipitation.

Can mosquitoes be considered to be part of physical science?

Physical Science is distinguished from Biological Science.So, most studies of Mosquitoes would fall under biological science, and NOT physical science.I suppose one branch of physical sciences studies the water cycle. And, Mosquitoes, streams, brooks, and etc could be considered part of the water cycle, but that might be stretching things a bit.

How is showering part of the water cycle?

Showering is part of the water cycle because it involves water and when you shower if the water is hot, you will see percipitation on your mirror(s) and persipitation is part of the water cycle. After the water from your mirror evaporates (eveaporation is also part of the water cycle) it "disolves" into the air or in the water cycle's "case" into the atmosphere.

Is combustion part of the water cycle?

No combustion is not a part of water cycle. it s not involved.

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How do you use the word water cycle as in a sentence?

The water cycle describes the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the Earth.

What is biological significance of oxygen?

It is part of the Respiratory Cycle of most living things on Earth.

Is earth part of the water cycle?

Yes earth is a part of water cycle. Water returns back to earth's surface.