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The roots of plants are responsible for absorbing water and minerals from the soil. This process occurs through root hairs, which increase the surface area available for absorption. Water and minerals are then transported through the plant's vascular system to other parts of the plant.

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Roots absorb water

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The roots

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the roots

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Q: What part of plants absorb water and minerals?
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How do mineral become part of the soil?

Minerals become part of the soil through processes like weathering of rocks, decomposition of organic matter, and the activities of organisms like plants and microorganisms. As rocks break down, minerals are released and added to the soil. Plants absorb these minerals from the soil, and when they die and decompose, they return nutrients back to the soil.

How do mineral become part of soil?

because it need minerals 2 shake its booty and we need plants for oxygen and plants need minirals to grow

What part does water play in absorption of mineral salts from the soil?

Water dissolved mineral salts in the soil, facilitating their uptake by plant roots through a process called osmosis. Without water, plants would not be able to absorb essential nutrients from the soil. Additionally, water helps transport these nutrients from the roots to the rest of the plant for growth and development.

What composes soil?

Decayed plants and animals compose the soil. When plants and animals die they decay and become part of the soil. New plants grow causing herbivores to come and eat the plants. Well you know how the cycle goes and then the dead animals and plants become part of the soil once again

How are minerals formed in the soil?

Minerals in soil are formed through various processes such as weathering of rocks, organic matter decomposition, and deposition of minerals from water sources. As rocks break down over time, minerals are released and become part of the soil composition. Additionally, minerals can be leached from rocks and transported into the soil through water movement.

Related questions

What part of the water cycle do plants play?

they absorb the water

What are plants without vascular tissue to transport minerals from one part of the plant to another?

The plants absorb like a sponge

What part of the water cycle is when plants absorb water from the soil?


How are the plants a part of the water cycle?

They absorb water from the Earth and release it into the Atmosphere.

What part of a plant is used to anchor it and to absorb minerals and water?

Dear Reader,The stem use it anchor to absorb minerals, hope this info helps!Yours Truly

What part of a plant absorbs water and minerals?

There are a variety of plants and trees that absorb water faster than others. Some of these include willow trees, the River Birch and Black Gum also absorb a lot of water.

What is haustoria?

Haustoria are specialized structures found in parasitic plants that allow them to extract nutrients from their host plants. These structures penetrate the host plant's tissue and absorb water, minerals, and sugars to support the parasite's growth and reproduction.

How do mineral become part of the soil?

Minerals become part of the soil through processes like weathering of rocks, decomposition of organic matter, and the activities of organisms like plants and microorganisms. As rocks break down, minerals are released and added to the soil. Plants absorb these minerals from the soil, and when they die and decompose, they return nutrients back to the soil.

Which part of the plant absorbs minerals for photosynthesis?

The roots of a plant absorb minerals from the soil, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential for photosynthesis to occur in the leaves. Minerals are transported from the roots to the leaves through the vascular system of the plant.

What part of the plant takes in minerals?

Plants take in minerals through their roots.

What part of the plant is the lungs?

plants do not have lungs. but their leafs absorb carbon dioxide and send out oxygen and their roots take up water.

How do mineral become part of soil?

because it need minerals 2 shake its booty and we need plants for oxygen and plants need minirals to grow