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Haha wow Biology test questions on MATURE! Look at the information in your packets. My friend looked up a question and this came up and it is the exact same question in the packet. Nice.

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3mo ago

Skin color is an example of a polygenic trait in humans, as it is influenced by multiple genes working together to produce a range of skin tones. Different combinations of these genes can result in a wide variety of skin colors in human populations.

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12y ago

Height, hair color, eye color, and skin color are examples of polygenic inheritance.

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12y ago

Hair color, eye color, skin color, skin color, etc.

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13y ago

eye color

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Q: What is an example for polygenic traits in humans?
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Traits controlled by two or more genes are called what?

Traits controlled by two or more genes are called polygenic traits. In polygenic inheritance, multiple genes work together to produce a particular phenotype, resulting in a wide range of possible variations. Examples include height, skin color, and eye color in humans.

Traits that are shaped by many genes are called what?

Polygenic traits. These traits are influenced by multiple genes working together to produce a specific phenotype. Examples of polygenic traits include height, skin color, and intelligence.

Variation of human skin color is an example of?

polygenic traits

What are some polygenic traits in humans?

Skin color, height, weight

What is the opposite of polygenic trais?

The opposite of polygenic traits is monogenic traits. Polygenic traits are determined by the interaction of multiple genes, while monogenic traits are controlled by a single gene.

What is trait called when it is controlled by more than one gene?

Polygenic Traits

How does the range of phenotypes for single gene traits different from the range for polygenic traits?

ABO Single gene trait blood group alleles on humans. That is the variation, not much, and not much recombination. 3! = 6. There is posited to be at least 7 alleles for height, which is a polygenic trait. Hypothetical alleles, SMYDKECV 7! = 5040 different combinations of alleles in height polygenic traits.

In a species of rat height is a polygenic trait. what does it mean for this trait to be polygenic?

Usually, traits are polygenic when there is wide variation in the trait. For example, humans can be of many different sizes. Height is a polygenic trait, controlled by at least three genes with six alleles. If you are dominant for all of the alleles for height, then you will be very tall. Should help students for the year 2022. (Note: May change for upcoming years) Hope it helped!

What are Mendelian traits?

Traits that are controlled a multiple gene loci. Polygenic traits.

Is height in humans is an example of a single gene traits?

Height in humans is not an example of a single gene trait. It is a polygenic trait, meaning it is influenced by multiple genes as well as environmental factors. Multiple genes interact to determine an individual's height, making it a more complex trait.

How are polygenic traits controlled?

by two or more

What are traits due in part to multiple loci?