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Neutrophils stain both acidic and basic dyes

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Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell that stains with both acidic (eosin) and basic dyes (hematoxylin).

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Q: What one of these leucocytes stain both acidic and bacic dyes?
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What is the difference between leishman staining and giemsa staining?

Leishman staining is a Romanowsky stain used for identifying parasites like Leishmania, while Giemsa staining is another type of Romanowsky stain used for detecting blood parasites like malaria. Both stains involve a series of dyes that help differentiate the components of cells for microscopic examination.

What so endospore stain have in common with the acid-fast stain?

Both endospore stain and acid-fast stain are special staining techniques used to identify specific types of bacteria. Endospore stain is used to detect the presence of endospores in bacterial cells, while acid-fast stain is used to identify bacteria that have a waxy lipid layer in their cell wall, such as Mycobacterium species. Both stains involve the use of specific dyes and heat to penetrate and stain the bacterial structures of interest.

Which stain you should use to stain onion peel?

To stain onion peel cells, you should use a stain called iodine. Iodine is commonly used to stain cells because it binds to starches and glycogen in the cells, making the cells more visible under a microscope.

What type of dye is used to stain the specimen when the acid-fast stain and the gram stain are used?

Both processes use 2 stains. The Gram staining process uses crystal violet as the primary stain and safranin as the secondary stain. Acid-fast staining uses carbol fuchsin as the primary and methylene blue as the secondary.

Nature of sting of wasp and honeybee is acidic or basic?

The venom in the sting of a wasp is acidic, while the venom in the sting of a honeybee is slightly acidic. Both venoms can cause pain, redness, and swelling at the sting site due to their acidic nature.

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Methylene blue can be prepared as a basic stain or an acidic stain. How would the pH affect the staining of bacteria?

When methylene blue is prepared as a basic stain, it will have a positive charge and selectively bind to negatively charged components of bacterial cells, such as nucleic acids, enhancing the staining of bacteria. On the other hand, if prepared as an acidic stain, it will have a negative charge and repel bacterial cells, resulting in poor staining of bacteria.

What is the difference between leishman staining and giemsa staining?

Leishman staining is a Romanowsky stain used for identifying parasites like Leishmania, while Giemsa staining is another type of Romanowsky stain used for detecting blood parasites like malaria. Both stains involve a series of dyes that help differentiate the components of cells for microscopic examination.

Which of the sets is stain resistant?

Continental quilting and serta both make stain resistant bedding.

Are oreos acidic or basic?


Difference between basic and acidic stains?

Basic stains are positively charged and bind to negatively charged components in cells, resulting in a darker coloration of the cells. Acidic stains, on the other hand, are negatively charged and bind to positively charged components in cells. The choice between basic and acidic stains depends on the type of tissue being studied and the specific cellular components that need to be visualized.

Is Fe2O3 acidic or basic?

Fe2O3 is amphoteric, meaning it can act as both an acid and a base. In water, Fe2O3 can react to form both acidic and basic solutions depending on the conditions.

How do batteries and lemons relate?

they are both acidic

Which color is common to both the gram stain and the acid-fast stain?

The color common to both the gram stain and the acid-fast stain is red/pink. In the gram stain, Gram-negative bacteria appear red or pink after staining with safranin, while in the acid-fast stain, acid-fast bacteria such as Mycobacterium species retain the red/pink color of carbol fuchsin despite decolorization with acid-alcohol.

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White blood cell engulfing bacteria is an example of?

Phagocytes. (Phago - means eat) and (cyte) is cell: These Phagocytes literally eat the invading microorganisms. See below for more information. Phagocytic System of Defense : Under this defense system, invading microorganisms are ingested and destroyed by leucocytes of blood and macrophages of connective tissues. As mentioned before, both leucocytes and macrophages are amoeboid and mobile units of the defense system of body. The leucocytes can move against bloodstream. They can also squeeze through pores of thin capillary walls to wander about in the tissues (Fig. 12.24). This phenomenon is termed diapedesis. In the tissue fluid, the leucocytes engulf

Which is a base vinegar or yeast?

Both are acidic substances.

Is 7 up and cranberry juice really acidic?

they are both mildly acidic, however it will not hurt you in any way.