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The Diaphragm.

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The diaphragm is the prime mover of inspiration, as it contracts and flattens during inhalation, creating a vacuum in the chest cavity that allows air to be drawn into the lungs.

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Q: What muscle is the prime mover of inspiration?
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Prime mover muscles?

A prime mover is the muscle that has the most influence in one direction on the joint it acts on. For example the prime mover in extension of the forearm is the triceps.

What is the chief muscle of inspiration?

the prime mover is the muscle responsible for most of the movement in a group of muscles; called the chief muscle.

Can anyone define these muscle terms Antagonist pairs prime mover synergist fixator origin and insertion?

Antagonist: Controls movement, opposite of prime mover Prime Mover: Main muscle that is directly responsible for movement Synergist: Aids in movement of muscle

Prime mover for shoulder flexion?

The prime mover for shoulder flexion is the anterior deltoid muscle. This muscle is responsible for lifting the arm forward and upward at the shoulder joint.

What is a muscle whose contraction is chiefly responsible for producing a particular movement called?

An agonist (prime mover)

What does prime mover mean in medical terminology?

Prime mover in medical terms means the muscle that is mainly responsible for a given motion.

What is prime mover for a hip?

The prime mover for the hip is the gluteus maximus. It is the most powerful muscle responsible for extending the hip joint, moving the thigh backward.

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What is the prime mover for standing calf raise exercise?

The Gastrocnemius (calf muscle) is the primary mover. The Synergist (or assistor) muscle is the Soleus.

What reverses the action of a prime mover?

An antagonist muscle reverses the action of a prime mover. When the prime mover contracts to produce a movement, the antagonist muscle relaxes to allow that movement to occur in the opposite direction. This coordination between prime movers and antagonists is essential for controlled and coordinated movement.

Helps to stabilize the origin of the prime mover?

The fixator of a muscle stabilizes the muscle at the point of origin.

What muscle is the prime mover for shoulder abduction?

Trapezius and Levator Scapulae