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A Creationist might believe in a literal understanding of Genesis including its Creation-narrative. See also:

Is there evidence against Evolution

Can you show that God exists

God's wisdom seen in His creations

Discovering Creation

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A creationist may believe that life on Earth was created by a divine being, such as God, as described in religious texts. They may also reject the theory of evolution and believe that all living things were created in their current form.

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What is a creationist?

A creationist is someone who believes that the universe and living organisms originated from specific acts of divine creation, as described in religious texts like the Bible. Creationism is often contrasted with scientific explanations such as evolution.

What does creationist mean?

A creationist is someone who believes that the universe, Earth, and living organisms were created by a divine being or force, and not through natural processes like evolution. Creationism often aligns with religious beliefs about the origins of life.

What is the difference of a creationist and evolutionist?

A creationist believes that a divine being (such as God) created the universe and all living things in their present form, typically in accordance with religious texts. An evolutionist, on the other hand, accepts the theory of evolution which posits that living organisms change over time through the process of natural selection and genetic variation, without the need for divine intervention.

How can evolution and creationists theories work together?

Evolution and creationist theories can coexist if one views the creation story as a metaphorical or symbolic explanation of the origins of life, while accepting the scientific evidence supporting evolutionary theory as the mechanism through which life has developed and diversified over time. This perspective allows for a reconciliation between faith-based beliefs and scientific understanding of the natural world.

What did James Ussher believe about evolution?

James Ussher, a 17th-century Irish archbishop, did not believe in evolution. He was a prominent scholar who calculated the age of the Earth as around 6,000 years based on biblical genealogies, contradicting the theory of evolution which proposes a much older Earth and a gradual development of species over time.

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From the viewpoint of a Biblical Creationist is it evolutionary to believe that the half lives of various radioactive elements takes billions of years?

No. Creationist do not believe in evolution.

Does Sarah Palin believe in creationism?

Yes. She is a creationist.

What is the name of a person who thinks god made everything?

I believe the word you are looking for is a "Creationist". (As opposed to an Evolutionist.)

Was Einstein a Naturalist or a Creationist?

Despite popular belief he was actually a Creationist

What is a creationist theory for plate tectonics?

Creationist theory and plate tectonics do not disagree in any way.

When was Hugh Ross - creationist - born?

Hugh Ross - creationist - was born on 1945-07-24.

What people consider to be scientific knowledge versus personal beliefs?

Creationist. Creationism is when people disagree with the FACTS (sorry if I am offending) and believe God created everything on Earth. The real people are Evolutionists. Now they believe in facts!

What do you call someone who believes in creationism?

A creationist.

What is the opposite of a naturalist?

The opposite of a naturalist would be a creationist.

Why scientist believe there might be water on the moon?

Why do scientists believe there might be water on the Moon?

Did Darwin repeal his research and denounce evolution?

No. This is a creationist canard.

Were did art originate?

Depends on what you believe. If you are a creationist, it probably started with the beginning of man (i.e. Adam and Eve) but if you are pretty much everyone else, it started with cave paintings by the cavemen. Started as a way to tell stories.