They have to reproduce, respond, react...
like a sunflower- it reproduce (more sunflowers) it respond (It turned to where the sun is! sunflower) react=respond
People- reproduce (*throws up*) respond (when something is too hot, you move your hand away from it, you won't let it burn)
Biological organisms are considered alive if they exhibit certain characteristics, including the ability to grow, reproduce, respond to stimuli, maintain homeostasis, and undergo metabolic processes. These attributes help differentiate living things from non-living entities.
Something that is not alive is typically referred to as an inanimate object or nonliving thing. Examples include rocks, chairs, and cars.
An explanation is a statement or account that clarifies or makes something understandable. It is a detailed description to help someone understand the reasons or causes behind a particular phenomenon or situation.
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; instead ask yourself what makes you come alive, for the world needs people who come alive." "Joseph was alive for 99 years." "Chris never looks very alive early in the morning."
If an organism is no longer growing, moving, responding to stimuli, or carrying out metabolic processes, it is likely dead. Signs of decomposition, such as changes in color, texture, or smell, also indicate that something was once alive. Differentiate between alive and dead organisms by observing their behavior, physical characteristics, and overall condition.
A fish, makes them responsible for keeping it alive without placing too much responsibility in their hands.
Weather or not they have talent, or something that makes them unique.
A life force is basically the 'thing' or whatever makes someone actually be alive as opposed to dead. This has not yet been found by science but clearly something has to exist.
Because it makes you feel super happy and alive.
A yawner is someone who yawns, or, figuratively, something which makes someone yawn.
Unfortunately, no, not until someone makes a mutant one or they invent virtual reality.
A belittler is a person who belittles something or someone, who makes it seem smaller than it is.
Someone is great if they have done something that is a record or if it saves other people.
you are depressed because something happened in your life or someone did something to you which makes you feel sad
you are depressed because something happened in your life or someone did something to you which makes you feel sad
You would ask if it makes sense.