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All tissue has the ability to stretch when placed under tension.

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2mo ago

Elastic tissue is a type of connective tissue that has the ability to stretch and recoil based on the amount of tension placed on it. This tissue is commonly found in structures such as the skin, blood vessels, and lungs, where the ability to expand and contract is important for function.

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Q: What is tissue that as the ability to stretch based on amount of tension?
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What two features does scar tissue lack that normal tissue have?

Scar tissue lacks hair follicles and sweat glands that normal skin tissue has. Additionally, scar tissue often lacks the ability to stretch and grow as effectively as normal tissue.

What is the type of epithelial tissues that contains cells that can change shape as the tissue streches?

Transitional epithelium is the type of epithelial tissue that contains cells that can change shape as the tissue stretches. This type of tissue is found in organs like the bladder, where it needs to accommodate changes in volume without tearing.

What is The protein substance that forms the glistening inelastic fibers of connective tissue such as tendons ligaments and fascia?

Collagen is the protein substance that forms the glistening inelastic fibers of connective tissue such as tendons, ligaments, and fascia. It provides strength, structure, and support to these tissues, contributing to their ability to withstand tension and stress.

What does the ability of a plant depend on to repair tissue?

The ability of a plant to repair tissue depends on its capacity for cell division and regeneration at the site of injury, as well as the presence of specialized cells like meristems which can differentiate into new tissue. Additionally, factors like nutrient availability, environmental conditions, and the severity of the damage can also impact the plant's ability to repair tissue.

Why is a transplant consisting of fetal tissue less likely to provoke an immune rejection response than tissue from an adult?

Fetal tissue has lower levels of antigens, which are markers that the immune system recognizes as foreign. This makes fetal tissue less likely to provoke an immune response compared to adult tissue, which has a higher amount of antigens. Fetal tissue also has a higher ability to induce immune tolerance.

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What type epithelium tissue stretches?

Transitional epithelium cells can stretch. They can be found in organs that have the ability to stretch such as the bladder.

Stretching microscopically tears down muscle tissue?

Not inherently, no. Stretching a muscle means that the muscle is lengthening, it is stretching from a given position of shortness. Muscles CAN tear during a stretch, this is certainly a risk. This depends on a lot of factors, like how far it is being stretched, the amount of passive tension in the muscle, the amount of active tension, the speed of the stretch, the amount of external force (if any) being used, the stability, the joint alignment, etc.

Can smooth muscle maintain an even amount of tension?

Smooth muscle tissue is able to maintain an even amount of tension for periods of times. This is helpful in its function of expelling the contents of an organ.

Does transitional epithelial stretch?

Yes, transitional epithelium is specialized to stretch and accommodate changes in organ volume, such as in the urinary bladder. This ability allows the tissue to maintain its integrity and barrier function during stretching and contraction.

What two features does scar tissue lack that normal tissue have?

Scar tissue lacks hair follicles and sweat glands that normal skin tissue has. Additionally, scar tissue often lacks the ability to stretch and grow as effectively as normal tissue.

What type of connective tissue is springlike?

Elastic connective tissue is springlike in nature due to its high content of elastin fibers, which allow it to stretch and recoil like a spring when subjected to tension. This type of tissue is found in structures that require elasticity, such as the walls of large arteries and certain ligaments.

What does a muscel cell do?

It forms a tissue that can stretch

Which specialized tissue contracts and relaxes?

Muscles are tissues that are specialized for contractions.

What is the structural makeup of a muscle contributes to the muscle's ability to do its job?

A muscle sturcture consists of connective tissue and muscle fibers, which work like a rope or rubber band to stretch and contract. The connective tissues' elasticity and distensibility help to ensure that the tension developed by the muscle is smoothly transmitted and that a muscle will return to its original shape after being stretched.

What is the type of epithelial tissues that contains cells that can change shape as the tissue streches?

Transitional epithelium is the type of epithelial tissue that contains cells that can change shape as the tissue stretches. This type of tissue is found in organs like the bladder, where it needs to accommodate changes in volume without tearing.

What tissue has the ability to react to stimuli?

nervous tissue