The study of plants is called botany, the person who studies plants is called a botanist. Botany is a field of Life Sciences which looks at the classification and physical characteristics of plants.
A person who studies the interaction of plants and animals in an environment is called an ecologist or environmentalist.
A person who grows plants is called a horticulturist.
The study of plants is known as botany. Botany involves the scientific study of plants, including their structure, growth, reproduction, and interactions with the environment. Botanists may focus on various aspects of plant Biology, such as taxonomy, ecology, genetics, or physiology.
Dendrology. It is the botanical study of trees and other woody plants.
Botanists study plants, including their growth, development, structure, genetics, and classification. They investigate how plants interact with their environment, develop new plant varieties, and study the potential uses of plants for medicine, food, and other purposes.
The study of both plants and animals is referred to as Biology.that can be also narrowed down to botany for plants and zoology for animals.
Botany is the study of plants.
i think it would be the root
the study OF plants is botany and the people WHO study plants are called botanists.
scientists study plants by putting them into?
what do we call scientists who study plant
When scientists study plants, it is called Botany.
A scientist that studies plants is known as a botanist.
Batology is the study of brambles or blackberry plants. It focuses on the taxonomy, morphology, and ecology of these plants.
The study of animals and plants are called frora and fauna
Dendrology. It is the botanical study of trees and other woody plants.
Horticulture is the study of plants
They do study different plants
A person who studies plants and animals is called a biologist.
Yes, there are many different types of biologist one of which study plants