The state plant of Hawaii is the kukui tree (Aleurites moluccanus). Its nuts are used to make jewelry and candles, and the tree is also known for its cultural significance in Hawaiian folklore and traditions.
The state tree of Hawaii is the kukui tree, pronounced as "koo-koo-ee."
The Hawaiian state tree, the candlenut tree (Aleurites moluccanus), was officially designated as the state tree of Hawaii in 1959. It is also known as kukui in Hawaiian culture and holds significant traditional and practical importance in the islands.
The state butterfly for Washington state is the Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa). It was designated as the state butterfly in 1979.
The plant emblem of Victoria, Australia is the Pink Heath (Epacris impressa). It was officially declared as the state emblem in 1958.
When a plant or seed is dormant, it is in a state of suspended growth or activity. This can happen during certain seasons or due to lack of favorable conditions. Dormancy allows the plant or seed to conserve energy until conditions are suitable for growth.
nut crust
Hawaii does not have an official state fruit.
Hawaii IS the state of Hawaii!
Hawaii is an island and a state. It is not a peninsula.
Hawaii is an island and a state. It is not a peninsula.
Hawaii is a state not a capital so could Hawaii be a capital if its already a state?
The state in the U.S. that is made up of islands is the state of Hawaii.
The last state made a state in the US was Hawaii
Hawaii was the 50th and final state added to the United States.
Hawaii state park is a state park you dumbo!
All of Hawaii is a state.
Hawaii does not have an Official State Vegetable.