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A virus.

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The smallest biological unit that can evolve over time is a population. Evolution is the change in the heritable characteristics of a population over generations. Individuals do not evolve, but rather the frequency of traits within a population changes over time.

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Q: What is the smallest biological unit that can evolve over time?
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The smallest biological until that can evolve over time is?

The smallest biological unit that can evolve over time is an individual organism, typically a unicellular organism like bacteria or archaea. These organisms can undergo genetic mutations and natural selection, leading to the evolution of their populations over generations.

Why is population the smallest unit of organism that can evolve?

Evolution is defined as a change in allele frequencies over time. Since individuals have only the set of alleles that they're born with, an individual cannot evolve. This leaves the population as the smallest unit that can evolve.

The smallest unit that can evolve is a?

Is a population. Consider the definition of evolution.Evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms.

Which biological unit evolves over time?

Populations evolve over time due to genetic variation, natural selection, and other mechanisms that drive changes in the gene pool of a population. Individual organisms do not evolve, but rather the population as a whole exhibits changes in its genetic makeup over generations.

What is moral evolution?

Human morality is as much a cultural phenomenon as it is biological. As such, it doesn't evolve quite the same way that biological traits do, although it adheres to some of the same principles: if an idea appeals, given the (cultural) circumstances, then it will quickly propagate throughout the population (the society). The way human morality changes over time is similar to the ways in which biological traits evolve over time, but not the same.

What is a sentence for evolve?

Over time, organisms can evolve to adapt to their changing environments.

How and why has Civilization changed over time?

because we evolve

Do organisms evolve slowly over time and can two different organisms have a common ancestor?

Yes they evolve slowly over time and a panda and raccoon have common ancestors.

A group of organisms that changes over time is said to?

This describes the process of evolution. When organisms evolve, they change over time in a way adaptive to their current environment.

Is historical linguistics cultural or biological?

Historical linguistics is primarily cultural, as it studies how languages evolve and change over time within specific cultural contexts. However, some aspects of historical linguistics, such as the study of genetic relationships between languages, can also have biological components.

Can you use the word evolve in a sentence?

This means to change over time. Here are some sentences.Living things evolve over time.The group will evolve into a whole as we get to know each other.You will evolve your own painting style.

What word means any change over time?
