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An apicomplexa is exceedingly small. Typically, they approximate in size from about 4-9 microns long by 1-3 microns wide.

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7mo ago

The size of Apicomplexa organisms can vary depending on the specific species, but they generally range from 2 to 50 micrometers in length.

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Which is not one of the major phyla of animal like protists?

The major phyla of animal-like protists are Sarcomastigophora, Ciliophora, Apicomplexa, and Zoomastigophora. One phylum that is not part of the animal-like protists is the Euglenozoa, which is a group of flagellated protozoans that are primarily photosynthetic rather than animal-like in nature.

Are protists good or bad?

Protists can be both beneficial and harmful. Beneficial protists help with decomposition, nutrient recycling, and are important in aquatic food chains. However, harmful protists can cause diseases such as malaria and giardiasis.

What protist group consists entirely of parasitic forms?

The group Apicomplexa consists entirely of parasitic forms. They include the genus Plasmodium, which causes malaria, and Toxoplasma gondii, which causes toxoplasmosis. These protists have complex life cycles often involving multiple hosts.

Does sample size affect survey result?

Yes, sample size can significantly impact survey results. A larger sample size generally provides more representative and reliable results compared to a smaller sample size. With a larger sample size, the margin of error decreases, increasing the accuracy of the findings.

What does size-dependent mean?

Size-dependent refers to a relationship or characteristic that changes based on the size or scale of an object or system. This can include how properties, behavior, or effects vary depending on the size of the entity being considered. Size-dependent effects are commonly observed in areas such as material science, biology, and physics.

Related questions

What does Apicomplexa eat?

they eat human faces

What is an apicomplexan?

An apicomplexan is a protist of the phylum Apicomplexa.

Malaria plasmodium parasite in phylum apicomplexa?


Is apicomplexa multicellular or unicellular?

Most are multicellular, but some are unicellular

What is sporozoans scientific name?

The scientific name for sporozoans is Apicomplexa.

Is phylum apicomplexa unicellular or multicellular?

Phylum Apicomplexa consists of unicellular organisms. These protozoans are characterized by having an apical complex structure that helps them penetrate host cells.

What are the four Phyla of Protozoans?

The four Phyla of Protozoans are Sarcomastigophora, Apicomplexa, Ciliophora, and Microspora.

Which kingdom does Plasmodium belong to?

Plasmodium belongs to the kingdom Protista.

What are the subphylum of apicomplexa?

The subphylum of Apicomplexa is called Sporozoa. This group includes various parasitic protozoa that possess a unique organelle called an apicoplast, which is involved in various cellular processes. Members of this subphylum often have complex life cycles involving multiple hosts.

What is an example of apicomplexa?

Well, see, Apicomplexans are the Phylum of organisms that includes the Sporozonas, Plasmodium or Malaria causing organisms.

Is a sporozoan an animal?

Sporozoan are one celled animals that cause diseases such as malaria. Scientists have given them a new name, Apicomplexa or Apicomplexia.

What has the author William Brockley Paterson written?

William Brockley Paterson has written: 'The biology of two Eimeria species (Protista: Apicomplexa) in two Cyprinid fishes'