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Both sex-influenced and sex-limited traits are influenced by sex chromosomes. Sex-influenced traits are expressed differently in males and females due to hormonal differences, while sex-limited traits are only expressed in one sex due to anatomical or physiological differences. Both types of traits are dependent on the sex of the individual for their expression.

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Q: What is the similarities between sex influenced and sex limited traits?
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What is the difference between sex influencedsex limited?

Sex-influenced traits are those that are expressed differently in males and females due to hormonal differences, but can be seen in both sexes. Sex-limited traits, on the other hand, are only expressed in one sex due to anatomical or physiological differences specific to that sex.

Sex limited and sex influenced characters?

Sex-limited traits are only expressed in one sex due to anatomical or physiological differences, such as male pattern baldness. Sex-influenced traits are affected by the sex of the individual, but can be expressed in both sexes, such as male pattern baldness being influenced by hormones.

What is an example of a sex limited trait?

The traits which are influenced by the sex are called sex limited traits. These traits are just limited to one sex, either in male or female. For example, the genes for pattern baldness are present in both the sexes but expresses more in male as compare to female.

What are three sentences with the word heredity in them?

Heredity plays a significant role in determining physical traits passed down from parents to offspring. The study of heredity, or genetics, explores how traits are inherited and expressed in individuals. Understanding heredity helps explain similarities and differences among family members and across generations.

Why do organisms exhibit similarities and differences?

Organisms exhibit similarities due to shared evolutionary history, where common ancestry results in shared characteristics. Differences arise from adaptations to various environments and selective pressures, leading to diverse traits within and between species.

Related questions

What is the similarities of sex-linked and sex influenced?

Both sex-linked and sex-influenced traits are influenced by the individual's sex. Sex-linked traits are determined by genes located on the sex chromosomes, while sex-influenced traits are influenced by sex hormones and may be expressed differently in males and females despite being on autosomes.

What is the difference between sex influencedsex limited?

Sex-influenced traits are those that are expressed differently in males and females due to hormonal differences, but can be seen in both sexes. Sex-limited traits, on the other hand, are only expressed in one sex due to anatomical or physiological differences specific to that sex.

What is the difference between sex linked sex influenced and sex limited?

Sex-linked traits are located on sex chromosomes and are typically inherited differently between males and females. Sex-influenced traits are genes that are expressed differently depending on the sex of the individual. Sex-limited traits are expressed in only one sex due to anatomical or physiological differences.

What are some similarities between dominant and recessive traits?

Similarty: They both come from inherited parents.

Sex limited and sex influenced characters?

Sex-limited traits are only expressed in one sex due to anatomical or physiological differences, such as male pattern baldness. Sex-influenced traits are affected by the sex of the individual, but can be expressed in both sexes, such as male pattern baldness being influenced by hormones.

What is an example of a sex limited trait?

The traits which are influenced by the sex are called sex limited traits. These traits are just limited to one sex, either in male or female. For example, the genes for pattern baldness are present in both the sexes but expresses more in male as compare to female.

What is the difference between sex limited and sex influence traits?

Sex influenced is a trait that is more dominant in a certain sex, and it takes two recessive genes on part of the less dominant sex for it appear. Sex limited is a trait that is in both sexes but shows up in only one sex.

What are the traits of Chinese that inherit to the filipino?

Some traits of the Chinese that have influenced Filipino culture include a focus on family and respect for elders, an emphasis on hard work and entrepreneurship, and a love for traditional food and celebrations. Additionally, there are similarities in values such as thriftiness, hospitality, and the importance of education.

Are traits part of nature or nurture?

Traits are influenced by both nature (genetics) and nurture (environment). Nature provides the genetic blueprint that shapes traits, while nurture, such as upbringing and experiences, can further influence how traits are expressed. The interaction between nature and nurture is complex and can vary for different traits.

How do you spell simarlities?

The correct spelling is "similarities" (like traits).

What organizer should be used to display similarities and differences between two topics?

A Venn diagram is an effective organizer to illustrate similarities and differences between two topics. By using intersecting circles, it allows for easy comparison of shared traits and unique characteristics of the topics.

What did the similarities between fossil animals and modern animals suggest to Darwin?

In brief, those similarities Darwin observed suggested that those animals that he saw in fossil form passed along useful traits to modern animals. These traits had been selected by nature (natural selection) because of their value to newer generations.