The scientific study of plants is called botany. People who study botany are called botanists.
The scientific study of heredity is called genetics. It involves studying how traits are passed down from one generation to the next and the role of genes in determining an organism's characteristics.
The scientific study of hair is called trichology. Trichologists study the structure, function, and diseases related to hair and the scalp.
The scientific name for a pasque flower is Pulsatilla.
The study of fruits is called pomology. It involves the cultivation, production, and research of fruits for commercial and scientific purposes.
The scientific study of plants is called botany. People who study botany are called botanists.
The scientific study of sound is called acoustics.Related Information:The scientific study of sound perception is called Psychoacoustics.The scientific study of hearing, balance, and related disorders is called Audiology.
The study of sleep is called polysomnography.
The scientific study of mountains is called orology. This field of study focuses on the formation, structure, and geological processes associated with mountains.
The scientific study of heredity is called genetics. It involves studying how traits are passed down from one generation to the next and the role of genes in determining an organism's characteristics.
The scientific study of minerals is called mineralogy. It involves the identification, classification, and study of minerals' properties, distribution, and formation processes in the Earth's crust.
It is called Ornithology