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Bamboo is in the subfamily Bambusoideae within the family Gramineae. There are many different bamboos. The site below talks about several kinds and gives botanical names.

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3mo ago

The scientific name of bamboo is Bambusoideae, which is a subfamily within the grass family Poaceae.

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The scientific name for bamboo is Bambusoideae, which belongs to the plant family Poaceae (grasses).

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Temperate or tropical grasses of the genera Arundinaria, Bambusa, Dendrocalamus, Phyllostachys, or Sasa.Source: Answers.comThe scientific name for bamboo is ambuseae. There are 1,450 species of bamboo and it can survive in both cold and warm climates.

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What is the scientific nameof bamboo?

The scientific name of bamboo is Bambusoideae, which is a subfamily within the grass family of Poaceae.

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THAI BAMBOO Scientific name: Thyrsostachys siamensis Gamble Family name: Poaceae Synonyms: Thyrsostachys regia (Munro) Bennet Philippines: Thailand bamboo Indonesia: bambu jepang, bambu siam Myanmar: tiyowa, kyaung-wa Thailand: phai-ruak English name: monastery bamboo, umbrella-handled bamboo

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The scientific name of bamboo is Bambusoideae. It is a subfamily of flowering perennial evergreen plants in the grass family Poaceae.

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typoeiesor baterw