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The science of identifying individuals based on measurable biological characteristics is called biometrics. Biometric systems use unique physical or behavioral traits such as fingerprints, iris scans, or facial recognition to accurately verify a person's identity.

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Q: What is the science of identifying individuals based on measurable biological characteristics?
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What are the types of variations?

Genetic and environmental variations are the two main types of variations. Genetic variation refers to differences in DNA sequences between individuals, while environmental variation is caused by differences in the environment in which individuals live and develop. These variations can influence traits and characteristics in organisms.

What is a catalytic biosensor?

A catalytic biosensor is an analytical device that uses biological molecules (such as enzymes or antibodies) to detect and measure specific substances in a sample. These biological molecules act as catalysts, accelerating chemical reactions that produce a measurable signal indicating the presence and concentration of the target substance. Catalytic biosensors are commonly used in various fields, including environmental monitoring, healthcare, and food safety.

Example of physical characteristics?

petite tall pimply tiny beautiful handsome stocky well-built little wide thin fat ugly pretty attractive fierce perfect slouchy plump skinny slim buff average fair

Which biomes have measurable snowfall?

Biomes that typically experience measurable snowfall include tundra, taiga, temperate deciduous forest, temperate grassland, and boreal forest. Snowfall occurs when the temperature is low enough for precipitation to freeze and fall as snow instead of rain.

What traits did linnaeus consider when classificing organisms?

Linnaeus considered a variety of traits when classifying organisms, including physical characteristics such as body shape, structure, and reproductive organs. He also took into account the overall likeness or differences between organisms, as well as their behavior and ecological roles. Linnaeus focused on grouping organisms based on observable and measurable features to organize the diversity of life into a systematic classification system.

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What are behavioral variables?

Behavioral variables are the criteria or yardsticks for measuring and comparing among different individuals. The are mainly observable and measurable characteristics or responses. Agorua, Christopher Eme-eji

What is measurable characteristics?

Measurable characteristics are attributes or traits that can be quantified or assessed using a specific measurement scale or method. These characteristics can be objectively observed, documented, and compared. Examples include length, weight, temperature, and time.

What are measurable characteristics of matter?

Some measurable characteristics of matter include mass, volume, density, temperature, and specific heat capacity. These properties can be quantified and used to describe and compare different substances.

Weight height thickness or distance?

Are measurable characteristics of solid objects in a gravitational field.

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Data is arranged logically according to size or time of occurrence or some other measurable or non measurable characteristics...

What are relevant measurable characteristics of water?

Some relevant measurable characteristics of water include pH levels, temperature, turbidity (clarity), dissolved oxygen levels, and levels of contaminants such as heavy metals or pesticides. These characteristics are important for assessing water quality and its suitability for various uses.

What is used for the collection and detection of biological agents?

Biosensors are commonly used for the collection and detection of biological agents. They can detect specific biological molecules, such as proteins or DNA, through a combination of biological recognition elements and transducers that convert the biological response into a measurable signal. These devices are widely used in fields such as healthcare, environmental monitoring, and food safety.

What are the characteristics of good research problem?

SMART S- Specific M- Measurable A- Achievable R- Realistic T- Time-bound

Characteristics of objectives in strategic management?

Objectives Should be crafted having the SMART criteria in mind: Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely

Is magnetic measurable?

Magnetic reluctance is a concept used in the analysis of magnetic circuits. The term was coined in May 1888. There are several methods to determine the magnetic characteristics.

What do you considered a physical property of a substance?

Examples of physical properties: density, mass, melting point, electrical conductivity, hardness, etc.Physical properties are measurable characteristics.

What are hybrid parameters and their uses?

These are the parameters which are used(mainly by the manufacturers) to specify the characteristics of a transistor. They hav bcome so popular bcoz. they r easily measurable