Glucose is a critical energy source for cells in culture, providing the necessary fuel for cellular metabolism and growth. It is also involved in biosynthesis of important cellular components such as nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids. Maintaining an optimal glucose concentration in the culture medium is essential for supporting cell viability and proliferation.
CO2 in an incubator helps to maintain the pH of the cell culture medium by acting as a buffering agent. Additionally, it plays a role in stimulating cellular metabolism and regulating the osmotic pressure within the cells. This controlled environment helps to support cell growth and viability during the experiment.
Cytoplasm is the gel-like fluid inside cells where organelles are found. It plays a vital role in cell metabolism, providing a medium for cellular activities to take place.
Initiation: Select and sterilize plant material to establish aseptic culture. Multiplication: Multiply cells or tissues using growth regulators and optimal culture conditions. Rooting: Induce roots in the plantlets to facilitate acclimatization to soil. Acclimatization: Transfer plantlets to soil, gradually adapting them to natural conditions for successful growth.
The semifluid medium within a cell is called cytoplasm. It consists of water, salts, and organic molecules, and it houses the organelles of the cell. Cytoplasm plays a crucial role in various cellular processes, such as metabolism and transport.
Bile salts in MacConkey agar inhibit the growth of Gram-positive bacteria by disrupting their cell membranes. This selective property allows for the preferential growth of Gram-negative bacteria on MacConkey agar, making it a useful medium for the isolation and differentiation of enteric bacteria.
Sodium carbonate is used in cell culture media to help maintain the pH level. It acts as a buffering agent to keep the pH stable within the optimal range for cell growth and viability. It also provides the necessary carbonate ions for maintaining proper levels of bicarbonate and CO2 in the culture medium.
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what is the role of folk dance in culture of the people
what is the role of folk dance in culture of the people
what is the role of folk dance in culture of the people
DMEM (Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium) is a commonly used cell culture medium that provides essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals required for cell growth and proliferation. It helps maintain the pH and osmotic balance of the cell culture environment, supporting the growth of various cell types in vitro. DMEM can be supplemented with additional components such as fetal bovine serum, antibiotics, and growth factors to meet specific cell culture requirements.
Peptone is the simplified source of protein and can be readily uptake by the microorganism. In nurtient agar it is the basic component/nutrient after which beef or yeast extract is used which are supplementary nutrients.
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it is the main ingredient of protein