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The process is called fertilization, where two haploid cells (sperm and egg) combine to form a diploid zygote. This zygote then divides and develops into a new organism.

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Q: What is the process called when two cells combine?
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What is the name of the process that cells use to divide?

The process that cells use to divide is called cell division. It involves the replication of the cell's DNA and splitting of the cell into two daughter cells.

Cells that contain half the usual number of chromosomes are?

haploid cells, which are produced through a process called meiosis. Haploid cells have a single set of chromosomes and are typically found in gametes (sperm and egg cells) in sexually reproducing organisms. When two haploid cells combine during fertilization, they form a diploid zygote with the full complement of chromosomes.

The union of the ovum and the sperm is called what?

The union of the sperm and egg cell is caller fertilizationUnion of the egg and sperm cells is called fertilization. The egg then plants itself on the uterin wall. The two sets of DNA combine, then start replicating and dividing to make a baby.

What is the process in which cells divide to from two new cells?

The process in which cells divide to form two new cells is called cell division. It consists of two main stages: mitosis, where the cell's nucleus divides, and cytokinesis, where the cell's cytoplasm divides, resulting in two daughter cells with identical genetic material. This process is crucial for growth, repair, and reproduction in living organisms.

When two human reproductive cells combine at the moment of conception the result is a?

When two human reproductive cells combine at the moment of conception, the result is a fertilized egg called a zygote. This zygote contains a unique combination of genetic material from the mother and father and will eventually develop into a new human being.

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What is the process of cells dividing into two identical cells?

This process is called mitosis.

When cells split into two identical cells what is the name of the process?

The process is called the cell cycle. The process in which the cell duplicates itself is called mitosis. The two cells formed after the cell cycle is complete are called daughter cells. Those daughter cells then go on to undergo the same process and make two new cells of their own. I just finished a science section on all of this.

What 2 cells create someone?

A sperm and an ovum (egg) are the two cells that combine to create a person. Fertilization is when these two cells combine.

What are produced by the process called meiosis?

Two haploid cells.

What is the process of combining two numbers called?

Depending on the process you use to combine them, it could be called addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, averaging, exponentiation, etc.

What is the chemical process in which two or more simple substances combine to form a more complex substance?

This chemical process is called synthesis.

What is the process called where a cell divides to form two cells?


When two or more substances combine to form a more complex compounds the process is called?

synthesis reaction

Which option allows you to combine two cells in a table?

merge cells

What is the splitting of cells into a copy called?

The splitting of cells into a copy is called cell division. This process involves the duplication of genetic material and division of the cell into two daughter cells, each with an identical copy of the parent cell's DNA.

What is the name of the process that cells use to divide?

The process that cells use to divide is called cell division. It involves the replication of the cell's DNA and splitting of the cell into two daughter cells.