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The muscular bag that crushes food and contains acids is the stomach. It is a key organ in the digestive system where food is broken down by acids and enzymes to aid in the absorption of nutrients into the body.

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Q: What is the muscular bag that crushes food and contains acids?
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Does the stomach contain cartilage?

No, the stomach does not contain cartilage. The stomach is a muscular organ that contains layers of smooth muscle tissue and specialized cells that secrete digestive enzymes and acids to aid in food digestion. Cartilage is found in joints and areas where flexibility and support are needed.

What is the sack like muscular organ that is attached to the esophagus?

The sack-like muscular organ attached to the esophagus is the stomach. It plays a key role in digesting food by secreting enzymes and acids, breaking down food into smaller particles that are then passed on to the small intestine for further absorption.

Which organ system contains the esophagus?

The esophagus is part of the digestive system. It is a muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach and is responsible for transporting food and liquids from the mouth to the stomach for digestion.

What organ in the digstive system contains hydrochloric acid?

The stomach is the organ in the digestive system that contains hydrochloric acid. This strong acid helps break down food and kill bacteria in the digestive tract.

How does muscular system help the digestive system?

The muscular system helps the digestive system by moving food through the GI tract via peristalsis, a series of muscle contractions that push food along. Muscles in the abdomen also assist in processes like coughing or vomiting to clear the airways or stomach. Additionally, the pelvic floor muscles play a role in bowel movement control.

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What muscular organ prepares food to be swallowed and contains taste buds?

The toungue, i guess.

Why is stomach wall thick and muscular?

because our stomach contains acid and it churns food.

Food that contains omega-3 fatty acids?

Fish and Flaxseed

How can you tell if food contains acids?

Use universal indicator or litmus paper

Which organ contains acids that breaks food Into smaller pieces?

The stomach. the enzymes

What acid found in food?

You can find acids in fruits, for example Oranges this contains Citric acid

What body organ contains strong acids to break down food?

You are probably referring to the stomach.

Does the stomach contain cartilage?

No, the stomach does not contain cartilage. The stomach is a muscular organ that contains layers of smooth muscle tissue and specialized cells that secrete digestive enzymes and acids to aid in food digestion. Cartilage is found in joints and areas where flexibility and support are needed.

What is the nutritional value of cartilage and of tendon as a food?

Cartilage contains collagen, gelatin, and several amino acids.

What is the function of the gizzard of an earthworm?

Yes the gizzard diggests the food / crushes it

How might you tell if a food contains an acid?

You can tell if a food contains an acid by tasting it. Acids typically give foods a sour or tangy flavor. Additionally, you can use pH test strips to measure the acidity level of a food.

What is an organ containing a strong acid?

The stomach contains strong acids that are used together with enzymes to digest food.