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The movement of sugar in a plant is called translocation. This process involves the transport of sugars like sucrose from the leaves, where they are produced through photosynthesis, to other parts of the plant for energy or storage.

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Q: What is the movement of sugar in a plant called?
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Plants transport sugar from the leaves to the rest of the plant through a process called translocation. This process occurs in the phloem, where sugar is actively transported from source tissues (like leaves) to sink tissues (such as roots, fruits, and growing tips) through specialized cells called sieve tubes. The movement of sugar is driven by a pressure gradient created by the loading of sugar at the source and unloading at the sink.

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What leaves do?

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It is called Translocation.

Is a sugar cookie from a plant or animal?

sugar comes from sugar cane (a plant), wheat come from the wheat plant - so the answer is a plant