Lateral is the medical term pertaining to the side. For example, bi-lateral TMJ surgery means both sides of the TMJ (tempero mandibular joint) were surgically treated; bi-lateral mastectomy means the breasts on both sides were removed. Also, to go laterally means to go to the side, which will be indicated by either (R) for the right side, or (L) for the left side.
One side is unilateral, and both sides is bilateral. (uni = one or bi = two, lateral =side)
Ipsilateral means on the same side of the body. (contralateral for opposite side)
The hand and the foot are examples of body parts that are ipsilateral, meaning they are on the same side of the body.
The medical term for the vertical fold of skin on either side of the nose is "nasolabial fold."
The medical term for decreased pulse rate is bradycardia. Bradycardia is a condition characterized by an abnormally slow heart rate, typically less than 60 beats per minute in adults. It can be caused by various factors such as heart disease, medication side effects, or an imbalance in the body's electrolytes.
The fallopian tubes are blocked bilaterally.
Ipsilateral refers to structures or functions that are on the same side of the body. In contrast, contralateral refers to structures or functions that are on the opposite side of the body. These terms are commonly used to describe how neural pathways and connections function in the central nervous system.
The hand and the foot are examples of body parts that are ipsilateral, meaning they are on the same side of the body.
MedialMedio = middle-al = pertaining toMedial = pertaing to the middleMedial
The medical term you are looking for is "posterior." This term refers to the back side of the body or something positioned behind a particular structure.
Anterior is the medical term meaning front or in front of.
Dorsal is the medical term meaning back.
In a contralateral reflex arc, the sensory input and motor output occur on opposite sides of the body. In an ipsilateral reflex arc, both the sensory input and motor output occur on the same side of the body.
lateral decubitus
Peroneal is a medical term meaning related to the outer side of the calf.
The medical term for the opposite side is contralateral.contralateralcontralateral