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Scientists say that cloning humans may not work due to the high rate of failure in cloning animals, ethical concerns, potential health risks to the cloned individual, and the complex interaction between genetics and environment in shaping human traits and behaviors.

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Q: What is the main reason the scientists say that cloning humans will not work?
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How many ways of cloning are there?

There are three main ways of cloning: gene cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning. Gene cloning involves replicating specific genes or DNA sequences, while reproductive cloning aims to create an identical copy of an organism. Therapeutic cloning is used to create stem cells for medical purposes.

Which phrase best describes the main reason that scientists reproduce the results of other scientists?

To validate and verify the original findings, ensuring accuracy and reliability in the scientific community.

Are there human clones on this earth?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that human clones exist on Earth. Cloning humans is currently illegal and unethical in most countries due to ethical and moral concerns. While there have been some unethical and controversial claims of human cloning in the past, they have not been scientifically verified.

What is main problem of human cloning?

One of the main problems of human cloning is the ethical dilemma surrounding the creation of identical genetic copies of individuals. Additionally, there are concerns about potential health risks and complications that cloned individuals may experience. There are also legal and societal implications to consider, such as questions around identity and family relationships.

In the process of cloning what is the main substance transferred from one cell to another?

In the process of cloning, the main substance transferred from one cell to another is the nucleus. The nucleus contains the genetic material, including the DNA, which is necessary to instruct the cell on how to function and develop. By transferring the nucleus, all the genetic information from the donor cell is passed on to the recipient cell, allowing for replication of the donor cell.

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What is the main reason that scientists try to determine the evolutionary ancestors of newly discovered organisms?

so they can determine if the organisms will be harmful to humans

What animals did humans come from?

humans came from 2 main animals as scientists beleive,they are,dolphins and monkeys

What is the main reason why scientists develop cloning if the government in most countries doesn't want to clone?

maybe because the scientists want show that science has more things to offer; it may CREATE people ACCORDING to what they want. They can make a person "alive" again just by cloning and they can help us in scarcity of food(business)... well, that's my opinion. ---kristen marcelino (Philippines) Because the potential benefits are too big to be ignored.

What are 3 supporting ideas of therapeutic cloning?

Therapeutic cloning is not intended to produce whole humans, just to enhance their quality of life. The 3 main supporting ideas of therapeutic cloning are to lessen the impact of diseases such as diabetes, aiding nerve regeneration, and extending the length of life.

What are main steps in cloning a sheep?

There are quite a few main steps in cloning a sheep. The first main step is to collect a sample to clone.

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of cloning?

The advantage of cloning is replacing or to clone organs for a specific need although it is illegal to clone an entire human body. The disadvantage is that cloning humans would be able to create custom built people by combining the possibilities in cloning and genetic engineering. The entire body will be the same and also it will effect population too.

What is the main reason most species become endargered?

Humans.. mostly

Why do dogs bark and not talk like humans?

since humans talk when they breathe out and dogs do it when they breathe in this is the main reason why humans talk and they bark

What is the main reason a puma is a endangered species?

Humans are the main reason that puma is endangered species. As a species, the puma is not an endangered species. Only the Florida race is endangered.

What is Zaroff main reason for preferring to hunt humans rather than animals?


How many ways of cloning are there?

There are three main ways of cloning: gene cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning. Gene cloning involves replicating specific genes or DNA sequences, while reproductive cloning aims to create an identical copy of an organism. Therapeutic cloning is used to create stem cells for medical purposes.

What are the main disadvantages of cloning?

There have been problems with cloning. Mainly due to a short life or defects. Cloning does not allow natural selection. Defects will continue and may be amplified.