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The longest phase in meiotic division is prophase I. This phase involves significant chromosomal changes, including crossing over and genetic recombination, which contribute to genetic diversity. It is divided into subphases: leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, and diakinesis.

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Q: What is the longest phase in meiotic division?
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The longest phase of mitosis is typically prophase, as this stage involves the cell preparing for division by condensing its chromosomes, forming the mitotic spindle, and breaking down the nuclear membrane.

What is the shortest phase in the cell cycle and the longest explain?

The shortest phase in the cell cycle is the M phase, also known as mitosis, which involves cell division. The longest phase is the interphase, which includes G1 phase (cell growth), S phase (DNA replication), and G2 phase (preparation for cell division). Interphase represents about 90% of the cell cycle.

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What is the longest phase of the entire cell cycle?

Interphase is the longest phase in the cell cycle lasting 18 of the 20 hour cycle. In mitotic cell division cycle,the longest phase is G1 phase which lasts for 10 hours,S phase is for 9 hours,G2 phase for 4 hours and shortest phase is M phase which lasts for 1 hour.

What is it called when sex cells divide?

meiotic division

How does the arrangement in chromosomes at meta phase differ in mitotic division and the first division?

In mitotic division, chromosomes are arranged individually in the middle of the cell at metaphase, whereas in the first division of meiosis, homologous chromosomes are paired together in the middle. This pairing of homologous chromosomes is known as synapsis and is unique to meiosis.

How do you identify the meiotic division that occurs in the Lilium anther?

In Lilium anthers, meiotic division can be identified by observing the formation of tetrads of microspores within the anther locules. These tetrads are the result of meiosis, where each microspore undergoes a reduction division to produce haploid cells. By examining the anther tissue under a microscope, the stages of meiotic division can be visualized.