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10 to 14 days. Mensuration normally lasts for 3 days fourth day is day one to day 13h after that egg is ready from 14th day your body temperature is high u are ready for 10 days or 12 days then unused egg disolves your body temprature falls to normal

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3mo ago

An unfertilized egg typically has a lifespan of around 12-24 hours after being released from the ovary during ovulation. If not fertilized by a sperm during this time frame, the egg will disintegrate and be absorbed by the body.

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Is there any different in the nutritional value of the fertilized egg and unfertilized eggs?

There is no nutritional difference between a fertilized and an unfertilized egg. People prefer to eat unfertilized commercial layer eggs, so they don't feel like they are eating the next generation. Also a fertilized egg does not have as long of a shelf life as the unfertilized one does.

What is unfertilized egg in a menstrual cycle?

An unfertilized egg is an egg that has not met with sperm to create a zygote. If an egg is not fertilised then it is reabsorbed into the body and a female then goes on to menstruate.

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Nothing. An unfertilized egg means that it will never hatch or grow anything.

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An egg is produced by an overy.An egg is an unfertilized female gamete.

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What is an egg where is it produced?

An egg is produced by an overy.An egg is an unfertilized female gamete.

Can you make a egg unfetilized egg hatch?

* Can you make an unfertilized egg hatch? No

Do unfertilized eggs of the iguana hatch?

If an egg is unfertilized, then an embryo cannot form.Fertilized = an embryo can form.UNfertilized = an embryo cannot form, because the male (or lack thereof) did not contribute DNA to create life.

What in the fertilized egg which is not found in the unfertilized egg?

a fertalized egg will hatch while an unfertalized egg will not

What is in the fertilized egg which is not found in unfertilized egg?

a fertalized egg will hatch while an unfertalized egg will not

What is in the unfertilized egg which is not found in fertilized egg?

a fertalized egg will hatch while an unfertalized egg will not