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Theory of evolution by natural selection.

Natural selection is the nonrandom survival and reproductive success of randomly varying organisms. That simple.

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Darwin's theory of evolution, known as natural selection, proposes that species evolve over time through the process of genetic variation, adaptation to the environment, and differential reproductive success. Individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and pass on those traits to their offspring, leading to changes in the population over generations.

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Q: What is the gist of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution?
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What do you call the person that studies genetics?

It is someone who helps to find cures for diseases, and does stem cell research, DNA pathology, splices DNA, and helps to manipulate DNA. There are many many more functions and applications a Genetics research scientist does on a regular basis, but this is the gist of it.

What are the main features of biotechnology?

Biotechnology involves using biological systems and organisms to develop technologies and products for various applications such as medicine, agriculture, and industry. Its main features include genetic engineering, bioinformatics, and bioprocessing techniques to manipulate living organisms at the molecular level for beneficial purposes. Biotechnology has revolutionized fields like healthcare, food production, and environmental sustainability.

If plants put in 54 ATP of glucose how come you can only get 38 ATP out?

During cellular respiration, not all the energy from glucose is converted into usable ATP. Some energy is lost as heat. The process itself also requires energy input to occur, resulting in a net gain of 38 ATP.

What are vascular tissues?

Vascular tissues are specialized tissues in plants responsible for transporting water, minerals, and nutrients throughout the plant. They are made up of xylem, which transports water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant, and phloem, which transports sugars produced through photosynthesis to various parts of the plant for energy.

Do all cells undergo meosis?

No, not all cells undergo meiosis. Meiosis is a specialized type of cell division that occurs in reproductive cells to produce gametes (eggs and sperm) with half the number of chromosomes. Other cells in the body undergo mitosis for growth, repair, and maintenance.

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