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Lipids are stored for energy and also serve as padding and protection for the internal organs. Also, hormone production/regulation and insulation against cold are functions of lipids in animals.

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10y ago
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13y ago

Lipids is a collective term for a group of cellular structures such as fats, waxes, sterols, fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E and K).

The main function of lipids is storing energy as structural components of cell membranes, and as important signaling molecules.

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15y ago

They have many roles. A big role is energy storage. they also play a large role in the structure of the cell membrane. they compose the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane and act as a semipermeable membrane to regulate what enters and exits the cell. They can also be protective in the form of waxes.

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13y ago

Cell membranes are important because they protect the cell and control the materials that flow in and out of it. Lipids are needed in order to create the membranes in the cells. Examples of this function are their uses in cellular plasma and organelle membranes. Lipids have the ability to allow two layers of the membrane to develop. As a result, the cell is able to control what kinds of substances form across the walls of the cell.

They are important in maintaining the structures of cells and providing a source of fuel to the body. Lipids come in the form of fatty acids, waxes, steroids and neutral fats. They can also be in compound form, which occurs when the lipids combine with another chemical compound. Under the latter category are lipolipids, glycolipids, and phospholipids.

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10y ago

Lipid droplets are organelles that function as lipid storage within cells. They can also be called adiposomes, lipid bodies or oil bodies.

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16y ago

They store fat. Literally, in great big globs (well, big in comparison to the size of a cell).

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15y ago

A lipid droplet is used to store energy within a cell.

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13y ago

There is no cell that stores fat! Fat has its own layer.

~Luna Spring

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13y ago

Fats form the cell membrane in animal cells.

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13y ago

They store fat.

as simple as that

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Q: What is the function of an fat cell in an animal?
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helps control transport of material into and out of the cell

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The vacuole in a plant cell is the same as in an animal cell, it is used as storage.

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