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Hibernate is to be in a dormant state resembling sleep over the winter.

Estivate is the opposite where it is to be in a dormant state in summer.

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Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression during the winter months to conserve energy and survive cold temperatures, commonly seen in animals like bears. Estivation is a state of dormancy during hot and dry periods to avoid heat stress, often observed in animals like snails and lungfish. Both are adaptive strategies to survive extreme environmental conditions.

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Q: What is the diffrence between hibernation and estivation?
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What is the difference between hibernation and estivation?

Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression during the winter, while estivation is a state of dormancy during hot and dry periods. Hibernation is more common in animals in colder climates, while estivation is common in animals in hot and dry climates.

What is the meaning of estivation?

Estivation is a state of dormancy or inactivity that some animals enter during hot or dry periods to conserve energy and survive harsh conditions. It is similar to hibernation but occurs in response to high temperatures rather than cold temperatures.

What is a difference between hibernation and migration?

Hibernation is a state of inactivity and reduced metabolic rate to conserve energy during the winter, typically seen in some animals. Migration is the seasonal movement of animals from one region to another for feeding, breeding, or climate reasons. Hibernation is a way to survive winter, whereas migration is a way to find better conditions.

How do you put a human into hibernation?

Hibernation is a natural process that some animals undergo to survive harsh conditions. It is not possible to put a human into hibernation like animals. However, researchers are studying potential medical applications of inducing a hibernation-like state in humans for long-duration space travel or medical emergencies.

What percent of body weight is lost by a bear during hibernation?

Bears can lose up to 30% of their body weight during hibernation due to reduced food intake and metabolic rate.

Related questions

What is the difference between hibernation and estivation?

Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression during the winter, while estivation is a state of dormancy during hot and dry periods. Hibernation is more common in animals in colder climates, while estivation is common in animals in hot and dry climates.

What is another term for frog hibernation?

Estivation is another form of Hibernation.

What is hibernation and estivation?

helps animal to survive

What is the winter counterpart to estivation?

Hibernation is the winter counterpart to estivation. Hibernation is a state of inactivity and lowered metabolic rate that some animals enter during the colder months to conserve energy, while estivation is a similar state entered in response to hot or dry conditions.

What is the summer counterpart of hibernation?

Estivation - a state of dormancy similar to hibernation, except it is used in the summer ...

What is a period of inactivity that some animals experience in summer?

Type your answer here... it is hibernation

Compare and contrast hibernation and estivation?

It is a some of special thing to say about someone :)

What is the scientific term used for summer sleep?

Estivation is summer sleep; hibernation is winter sleep.

What do you call the hibernation during summer?

The term you are looking for is estivation. Estivation is a state of dormancy or inactivity that some animals enter during hot and dry summer months to conserve energy and survive through harsh conditions.

What is it called when desert animals go underground during the hottest part of summer to survive in that heat?

Estivation is a period of summer dormancy similar to hibernation.

Do wolves estivate?

Estivation is the summer equivalent of hibernation in the winter. No, wolves do not estivate, as they are active year round.

Migration hibernation and estivation are all examples of what kind of faunal adaptations?

They are all examples of behavioral adaptations in animals to cope with changes in environmental conditions. Migration involves moving to different locations in response to seasonal changes; hibernation is a state of reduced metabolic activity to conserve energy during winter; and estivation is a dormant state to survive periods of extreme heat or drought.