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in a lateral root the root is very cute and you feel like eating it. in a root hair there tiny bits of hair on the root. (you should eat lateral roots more if you want to stop periods)

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3mo ago

Root hairs are small, finger-like extensions of root epidermal cells that increase the surface area for absorption of water and nutrients. Lateral roots, on the other hand, are secondary roots that branch off from the primary root and play a role in anchoring the plant and increasing the root system's reach.

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Q: What is the difference between root hairs and lateral roots?
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Tissue do lateral roots arise?

Lateral roots arise from the pericycle tissue in plants. The pericycle is a layer of cells located within the outer layers of the plant roots and is responsible for giving rise to lateral roots as part of the root system's growth and development.

Which structure is not part of the shoot system A. Stems B. Leaves C. Lateral Roots D. Axillary Buds?

c. lateral roots, they are part of the root system

Which cell layer do lateral roots develop?

Lateral roots develop from the pericycle, which is a layer of plant cells located in the outermost layer of the vascular cylinder in the root.

Are tap roots the same as root hairs?

No, tap roots and root hairs are not the same. Tap roots are the main root of a plant that grows straight down, while root hairs are tiny, hair-like extensions that grow from the surface of roots and are responsible for nutrient absorption.

What is the difference between real solutions and real roots when dealing with discriminant?

There is no difference between real solutions and real roots.

Why do roots have roots hairs?

because it is a compatition with the other roots for water..

Where is lateral root originate from?

The lateral roots are originated from the pericycle cells.

What is the difference between corn roots and bean roots?

Corn roots are fibrous with a shallow spread, while bean roots are taproots which grow deep into the soil. Additionally, corn roots have a more extensive lateral spread than bean roots. Corn roots are more adept at nutrient uptake from the surface soil, while bean roots can access nutrients at deeper levels.

Why are root hairs good for absorption?

Roots Hairs Absorb WATER

What is the function of the lateral root of the plant?

Lateral roots are predominantly to add support to the plant, normally tall trees will have strong lateral roots (combined with a tap root system) in order to make sure the plant is not blown over. Obviously lateral roots still perform the function of normal roots in the uptake of water and nutrient's.

What is a lateral roots?

Lateral roots are secondary roots that branch off from the primary root of a plant. They play a key role in anchoring the plant in the soil and absorbing water and nutrients. Lateral roots typically grow horizontally to explore a larger area of soil for resources.