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Common name-The Hand

Scientific name-Metacarpus

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12y ago

Hand bones
Metacarpels are the five bones of the hand that make up the palm of the hand. This excludes the fingers, and ends at the wrist joint.

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8mo ago

The common name for metacarpals is hand bones.

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Q: What is the common name for Metacarpals?
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What is another name for Metacarpals?

Hand bones is the common name for metacarpals.

What is the common name for head of the metacarpals?

scaphoid, trapezium, capitate, trapezoid, lunate, pisiform, triquetrum, hamate

What is the name of in the joint wrist?

Carpals then the ones in your hands are metacarpals

How many metacarpals do humans have?

There are five metacarpals in the human hand.

How do you spell metacarpals?

That is the correct spelling of the plural term "metacarpals" (wrist bones).

Which of these bones is not associated with the foot a talus 0r calcanues or metatarsals or tarsals or metacarpals?


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What connects the phalanges and metacarpals?

for feet- metatarsals for hands- metacarpals

Do humans walk on their metacarpals or metatarsals?

humans walk on their metatarsals. Metatarsals are the center area of the foot, metacarpals are the palms(on the hands).

What are the name of hand parts?

The human hand has 27 bones, 14 of which are phalanges, or fingers. The metacarpals are the bones that connect the fingers and the wrist. Each hand has five metacarpals. The thumb is connected to the trapezium and the joints are called metacarpophlangeal joints.

What does your carplas metacarpals and phalanges do?

Your carpals, metacarpals and phalanges are baisically all of the bones in your hands. What you do with your hands is up to you.

What shape are the metacarpals?
