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facilated diffusion

cause when yer active you use energy

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14y ago

All forms of active transport require energy.

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Q: What type of cellular transport requires a cell to use energy?
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What requires ATP cellular energy?

Processes that require ATP cellular energy include muscle contraction, active transport of molecules across cell membranes, and cellular respiration to generate energy in the form of ATP. Additionally, ATP is needed for biosynthesis of molecules, DNA replication, and cell division.

What is the cellular movement of a substance that requires the use of energy.?

Active transport is the cellular movement of a substance that requires the use of energy. This process involves the movement of molecules across a cell membrane against their concentration gradient, requiring the cell to expend energy in the form of ATP. Active transport allows cells to control the internal environment and maintain homeostasis.

Does active transport requires energy?

Yes, active transport requires energy because it moves molecules or ions against their concentration gradient, from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration. This process requires the cell to expend energy in the form of ATP to drive the transport proteins involved in active transport.

Which process requires energy to bring molecules across the cell membrane?

Active transport requires energy to move molecules across the cell membrane against their concentration gradient. This process is carried out by specific proteins called pumps that utilize cellular energy in the form of ATP to transport molecules.

What is the difference between active and passive cellular transport?

Active transport requires energy; passive transport does not.

What kind of transport needs energy?

active transport requires energy from the cell

How is passive transport from active transport?

The movement of materials across the cell membrane without using cellular energy is called passive transport. The movement of materials against a concentration difference is known as active transport. Active transport requires energy.

The type of transport that requires no cellular energy?

Passive transport requires no cellular energy as it relies on the movement of molecules down their concentration gradient, such as diffusion and osmosis. These processes occur spontaneously to maintain equilibrium within the cell.

How is active transport different then then other types of cell transport?

active transport requires input of energy as it takes place aginst a gradient.

The process of active transport requires the most direct use of?

The process of active transport requires the direct use of cellular energy, usually in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This energy is needed to move molecules across a cell membrane against their concentration gradient.

What requires energy to function in a cell?

Many cellular processes require energy to function, such as protein synthesis, ion transport, and cell division. This energy is typically provided by molecules like ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is produced during cellular respiration in the mitochondria.

Why active transport is a energy dependent process?

Active transport relies on cellular energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to pump molecules against their concentration gradient across the cell membrane. This process requires energy to overcome the natural tendency of molecules to move from high to low concentration, ensuring the cell can maintain the desired internal environment.