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It's true its the muscle that moves your eyes :)

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9mo ago

The busiest muscle in the body is the heart. It works continuously to pump blood throughout the body, providing oxygen and nutrients to all tissues and organs.

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Q: What is the busiest muscle in the body?
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Which muscle is the busiest muscle in the human body?

the heart

Where are your busiest muscle found?

In your body.

What muscle is the busiest muscle in the body?

The busiest muscle is probably the tongue or the jaw muscle because if you eat or talk, you use both. But probably the jaw because there are some sounds you can make without the tongue but both are useful.

What is the busiest muscle in your body why?

I would most definitely say the cardiac muscle (the heart), as without it, one couldn't live. It is constantly pumping blood (which is oxygen enriched) throughout the body, which provides the necessary nurishment for other body systems and muscles to function.

What is the most important muscle in the human body?

The heart is a muscle and in fact the most important

What is the largest busiest and hardest working human organ?

the hardest working horse is a appolosa. the hardest working muscle in your body is the heart. it pumps loads of blood through your body every second!

Which is the busiest organ in human body?

The heart is the busiest organ in the human body as it continuously pumps blood throughout the body to deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells and remove waste products. On average, the heart beats around 60-100 times per minute, resulting in millions of beats over a lifetime.

Which is the busiest muscles in your human body why?

I would say the heart, as he generally never stops.

What is the busiest state in the us?

Busiest what? New York has the busiest stock exchange. Florida has the busiest funeral directors. California has the busiest movie industry.

What is the most strongest muscle in the body?

the most stronger muscle in your body is your leg muscle because it holed everithing in your body.

When does the body build muscle?

After you work out, you rip muscle tissue and your body builds the muscle back. Thus, forming muscle on top of muscle.

Is the ciliary muscle part of the ciliary body?

the ciliary muscle is the smooth muscle of the ciliary body