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The letter E would appear as an upside-down and inverted image under a compound microscope due to the way the lenses magnify and flip the object. The actual appearance would depend on the magnification level and resolution of the microscope being used.

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Q: What is the appearance of letter E under the compound microscope?
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The letter "p" will appear as a mirrored image due to the inverted orientation of the compound light microscope's lenses. This means that the letter will appear upside down and reversed.

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When viewed under a compound light microscope at lower power, the letter "p" may appear as a dark ellipse-like shape with some details visible within its borders. The edges of the letter may appear blurry due to optical limitations at lower magnification.

Which of the two above shows letter E seen under the microscope?

The second image shows the letter E under the microscope.

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How does the image of a specimen change when viewed under a compound microscope?

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How does the letter P appear under a microscope?

Under a microscope, the letter "P" would appear as a collection of pixels or individual fibers, depending on the resolution of the microscope. The shape and details of the letter may not be clearly discernible, but its basic structure should still be identifiable.

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