What are fibroatelectatic changes in a lung?
This term is used by some diagnostic radiologists to
characterize certain types of opacities or "shadows" seen
occasionally on chest x-rays. The term atelectasis is well
represented in radiology literature and has been well studied and
characterized ever since the first historical chest films were
obtained. Atelectasis refers to accordian-like folding and partial
collapse of lung airspaces due to a variety of causes, most likely
caused either by blockage of an adjacent airway, or due to
compression from some nearby disease process. Inherent in the
definition is the idea that atelectasis is most commonly transient
and reversible, and will generally resolve and re-expand over
Fibroatelectasis is not an accepted
medical/pathological/radiological term, but instead a conflation of
two ideas into one, lung micro-collapse and lung scarring. This
term would then attempt to give a name to atelectasis that persists
over months and years, without resolution. This term was probably
coined by a creative radiologist, but is not used in most academic
settings or teaching hospitals.