A plant shop is commonly called a nursery or a plant store.
A pea plant with two tall genes is called a homozygous tall plant.
The baby plant in a seed is called the embryo. It is the part of the seed that develops into a new plant under the right conditions.
A plant that dies is typically called dead or deceased.
A weed and a plant really aren't two different things. A weed is a plant, it is just a plant you don't want. That is why unwanted plants in gardens are called weeds.
The unwanted plants that grow along with the crops is called weeds
A weed is an unwanted plant.
Unwanted sound is commonly referred to as noise. Noise can be any sound that is unwanted, disruptive, or irritating.
These chemicals are called herbicides. They work by disrupting essential plant processes, such as photosynthesis or growth regulation, effectively killing or inhibiting the growth of unwanted plants without harming desired crops or vegetation.
Prunning is the judicious removal of unwanted plant parts.
Junk or spam email
An unwanted plant is a weed.
To cut off unwanted frequencies, unwanted frequencies are called noise.
to remove an unwanted portion of an image is to crop the image
A person who gives unwanted advice is usually called a kibitzer.