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The usual example is when you smell good food, your mouth starts watering.

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An example of a stimulus involving the sense of smell is the scent of food. The response to this stimulus could be feeling hungry and having an increased appetite.

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Q: What is an example of a stimulus and a response that involves the sense of smell?
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What is an example of stimulus and response that involves your sense of hearing?

An example could be hearing your phone ring (stimulus) and then picking it up to answer the call (response).

What is the relationship between a physical stimulus and the kinds of sensory responses that result from it?

There are five main senses that people experience: sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. Each sense is associated with different physical stimuli. For example, the sense of sight is associated with light waves, the sense of smell is associated with volatile molecules, the sense of taste is associated with dissolved molecules, the sense of touch is associated with pressure or temperature changes, and the sense of hearing is associated with sound waves. The relationship between a physical stimulus and the resulting sensory response is that the physical stimulus is converted into a neural signal by the sense organ, and then this neural signal is interpreted by the brain to produce the sensory response. The specific response depends on which sense is involved and what the physical stimulus is.

What happen to the stimulus that is received by the sense organ?

When a stimulus is received by a sense organ, it gets converted into electrical signals that travel through neurons to the brain. The brain then processes and interprets this information to create a perception of the stimulus, which can then lead to a behavioral response or action.

What detects a stimulus?

sense organ

What is the stimulus for sense of hearing?


Stimulus are patterns of energy that activate sense organs?

Stimulus are patterns of energy that activate sense organs. Sense organs are the eyes, nose, tongue, ears, and skin of people.

How do humans train bodies for a certain stimuli?

Receptors are groups of specialised cells. They detect a change in the environment stimulus. In the nervous system this leads to an electrical impulse being made in response to the stimulus. Sense organs contain groups of receptors that respond to specific stimuli.

Olfaction requires the chemical response of a dissolved substance for a stimulus?

Olfaction is the sense of smell, which involves detecting airborne chemical molecules that enter the nasal cavity. When these molecules dissolve in the mucus lining the nasal passages, they bind to specialized receptors on olfactory sensory neurons, triggering nerve impulses that are sent to the brain for interpretation.

Is it possible for someone be allergic to a word?

No, not in the usual sense. An allergy is a reaction to a stimulus that is by itself noxious to the body in some way. A word may bring about a conditioned response, but it is the conditioning that evokes the response and not the word itself. No words, independent of any conditioned responses to them, have the ability to bring about an allergic response.

What is the relationship between a stimulus and a reponse?

The stimulus is your bodies reaction to something, say you burnt your hand, this is the stimulus. The reaction is your bodies response to it. In this sense the stimulus will be sensed by sensory neurones which pass an electrical impulse through relay neurons until the impulse gets to the Central Nervous System. This then, gives out another impulse which travels down a Motor Neuron to the muscle telling your hand to be removed from the surface.....

What is a stimulus in science?

In science, the word stimulus is used to describe something that evokes a response or reaction from a living subject, whether it be a touch, a sound, etc. A few examples of stimulus: - bright light (affects sense organs and receptors) - physically touching the subject (external stimulus) - loud noise (affects sense organs and receptors)

What is a kinesthetic response?

A kinesthetic response is the body's ability to sense and respond to movement, position, and tension. It involves the proprioceptive sense, which helps coordinate movement and maintain balance. Kinesthetic responses play a key role in activities that require physical coordination and spatial awareness.