Cactus (contains the pronoun "us")
Yes, a seed contains an embryo, which is the early stage of a plant's development. The embryo is surrounded by a protective seed coat and contains all the genetic information needed for the plant to grow.
The ovule develops into a seed after fertilization in a flowering plant. The seed contains the embryo, which will eventually develop into a new plant.
The process that occurs when nicotine is no longer used is called nicotine withdrawal. This can result in symptoms such as cravings, irritability, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating as the body adjusts to the absence of nicotine. It is a common experience for individuals trying to quit smoking or using other nicotine products.
the part of the plant that holds the seed is ovary
The plant Nicotinia Tabacum better known as the Tobacco plant already contains nicotine, therefore there was no company that added nicotine to cigarettes, cigars, tobacco chew, etc.
It contains nicotine
One common way is by poisonous chemicals that the plant contains. For example, the tobacco plant contains nicotine, which is extremely poisonous to many predators. Another way is by thorns and/or spines that make the plant difficult to eat. For example, cacti.
Tobacco is a plant in which the leaves are mainly smoked in pipes and cigarettes and consumed as chewing tobacco. It contains the stimulant nicotine.
Though their are rumors about fast food companies using nicotine in their food it is banned in the USA to sell food with nicotine
Yes. Little cigars have nicotine levels (100-200 mg nicotine) that are generally higher than cigarettes (~8.4 mg nicotine).
it has this ingredient : nicotine . wich makes it addicting.
Yes. The little cartridge inside of it contains Nicotine and Flavor (Brand)
Most snus contains 8mg of nicotine per gram. A sachet of Scandinavian snus delivers the same amount of nicotine as one standard cigarette. American snus, on the other hand, has lower levels of nicotine.