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A motor nerve sends an impulse to certain muscles cells to make them contract. The group of muscle cells and the nerve is called a motor unit. Another Answer: In the field of anatomy and physiology, motor nerves are the ones that transmit impulses, called action potentials, from the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) to skeletal muscles. Sometimes motor nerves send messages that are voluntary or reflexive in order to make muscles contradict or inhibit muscle contraction.

Answer A motor nerve is a kind of nerve that carries impulses from the central nervous system that trigger muscles to contract. It also allow to the brain to stimulate muscle contraction. Motor nerve is also called an efferent nerve that exclusively contains the axons of somatic and branchial motoneurons.

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6mo ago

A motor nerve is a type of nerve that carries signals from the brain and spinal cord to muscles, causing them to contract and move. Motor nerves are essential for voluntary movements and control of the skeletal muscles in our body.

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Q: What is a motor nerve?
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What is the nerve carrying motor information causing the right leg flexion when you step on a nail?

The nerve carrying motor information causing right leg flexion when stepping on a nail would be the sciatic nerve. This nerve is responsible for providing motor function to the muscles of the lower limb, including the hamstrings which are involved in flexing the leg in response to a painful stimulus like stepping on a nail.

What type of nerve fibers are found in the ventral ramus of a spinal nerve?

The ventral ramus of a spinal nerve contains both sensory and motor nerve fibers. These fibers innervate the muscles, joints, and skin on the front part of the body.

What is mixed neuron?

A mixed neuron is a type of nerve cell that contains both sensory and motor functions within a single cell body. These neurons are found in the peripheral nervous system and can transmit both sensory information from the body to the brain and motor signals from the brain to the muscles.

What causes motor nerve damage?

Motor nerve damage can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, diseases such as multiple sclerosis or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), infections, genetic conditions, or exposure to toxins. Damage to motor nerves can lead to muscle weakness, paralysis, and impaired movement.

A mixed nerve contains which type of nerves?

A mixed nerve contains both sensory and motor nerves. Sensory nerves carry information from sensory receptors to the central nervous system, while motor nerves carry signals from the central nervous system to muscles and glands.

Related questions

What is the motor point of a nerve?

The motor point of a nerve is the location along the nerve where stimulation results in the most efficient muscle contraction. This point is usually located near where the nerve innervates the muscle and is commonly targeted in electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies.

What does motor nerve mean?

A motor nerve is part of the nervous system that moves muscles.

The same as a motor nerve?

A motor nerve is connected to a muscle or gland and causes it to work.

What is the opposite of motor nerve?

A motor nerve falls under the category of efferent nerves, its opposite would be an afferent nerve, usually called a sensory nerve.

What nerve is a mixed cranial nerve that conducts sensory impulses from and motor impulses from and motor impulses to the thoracic and abdominal viscera?

vagus nerve

What is motor nueron disease?

When nerve damage effects a motor nerve, you have a motor neuron disease. It is also called neuropathy. For information on nerve damage repair go to

Is vagus nerve a motor nerve?

Yes, the vagus nerve is a mixed nerve that contains both motor and sensory fibers. It is responsible for controlling various involuntary bodily functions such as heart rate, digestion, and breathing.

Does the peripheral nervous system have sensory nerve cells and motor nerve cells.?

Yes, the peripheral nervous system has both sensory and motor nerve cells

Are the spinal nerve both sensory and motor?


Does the oculomotor nerve have motor fibers?

Yes it is motor and parasympathetic.

What does nerve?

A motor nerve is part of the nervous system that moves muscles.

What is the function of Motor Nerve Cells?
