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atype of rrooot

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7mo ago

A diffuse root system is a root system in which the primary root is not clearly dominant, and lateral roots arise from it in all directions. This type of root system is common in monocot plants like grasses, where it helps to support the plant in a variety of soil conditions. Unlike taproot systems, diffuse root systems are better adapted to shallow soils.

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6 types of roots and their examples?

there is only two types of roots system the tap root and the fibrous or diffuse root system

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Geraniums have a diffuse root system, which means that the roots spread out in various directions rather than forming a single dominant main root. This type of root system helps the plant efficiently absorb nutrients and water from the soil.

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Some examples of fibrous roots include grasses, rice, orchids, and most monocotyledonous plants. These roots are finely branched and do not have a single dominant root.

Why monocot roots slender and diffuse in appearance?

Monocot roots are slender and diffuse in appearance because they lack a main taproot. Instead, monocot roots consist of many thin, fibrous roots that spread out in various directions. This fibrous root system allows monocots to efficiently absorb water and nutrients from a larger soil area compared to plants with a single taproot.

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Diffuse. Leads to diffusion. Can be diffused. Acts as a diffuser.

Was the root system that does not consist of one prominent main root?

A fibrous root system is the opposite of the tap root system (one main root).

What are the two types of root systems are?

There are two types of root systems. taproot system and the fibrous root system.

What is the Root system of a fern?

tap root system

Two types of root systems taproot and which root system?

Tap root and fibrous root are two systems. Tap root system is prevalent in dicots and fibrous root system in monocots.

What is tape root system in plants?

The root system developing from the radicle of an embryo is known as tape root system.

What type of root system does a mustard plant have?

tap root system

What is the root system of a Daisy?

a daisy has a fibrous root system ;)