

What is Cyclopia?

Updated: 6/8/2024
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βˆ™ 18y ago

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Cyclopia (also cyclocephaly or synophthalmia) is a rare form of holoprosencephaly and is a congenital disorder (birth defect) characterized by the failure of the embryonic prosencephalon to properly divide the orbits of the eye into two cavities. Its incidence is 1 in 16,000 in born animals, and 1 in 250 in embryos. Typically, the nose is either missing or replaced with a non-functioning nose in the form of a proboscis. Toxins found in wild plants, such as the Veratrum californicum, can disrupt the embryonic forebrain-dividing process. The mistake of ingesting Veratrum californicum while pregnant is often due to the fact that hellebore, a plant of the same genus, is recommended as a natural treatment for vomiting, cramps, and poor circulation, three conditions that are quite common in pregnant women.

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βˆ™ 18y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Cyclopia is a rare birth defect where a baby is born with a single, central eye due to incomplete separation of the eye sockets during early fetal development. It is often associated with other severe abnormalities and is typically incompatible with life.

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Can cyclopia be cured?

NO.Typically, the face is either missing or replaced with a non-functioning nose in the form of a proboscis. Such a proboscis generally appears above the central eye, or on the back, and is characteristic of a form of cyclopia called rhinencephaly or rhinocephalyMost such embryos are either naturally aborted or are stillborn upon delivery.Although cyclopia is rare, several cyclopic human babies are preserved in medical museums (e.g. The Vrolik Museum, Amsterdam).Some extreme cases of cyclopia have been documented in inbred farm animals (horses, sheep, pigs, and sometimes chickens). In such cases, the nose and mouth fail to form, or the nose grows from the roof of the mouth obstructing airflow, resulting in suffocation shortly after birth.

Can cyclopia be treated or cured?

Cyclopia is an extreme malformation of the external & internal structure of the head. It can not be treated or cured. The brain is so radically reduced and simplified that there is no way to "repair" it. It had never grown properly to begin with. In typical Cyclopia, there is but one eyeball in the middle of the face (?). The brain is not divided into hemispheres and is missing many components. In addition, the nose,if not absent altogether, is a proboscis that is unconnected to the throat. The bones of the face serve wholly different functions than normally (eye orbit made of nasal bones, for example.). It is inconceivable to even think of treating cyclopia. The "baby" doesn't live long -fortunantly, rumors of such -creatures- surviving and even reaching adulthood notwithstanding. (one said to be living in seclusion and not wanting to see anybody lest it be some sideshow agent coming to exploit him).

Is there a one eyed creature that is real?

Yes, there are certain real one-eyed creatures in nature. For instance, some species of sharks can be born with only one functional eye, a condition known as cyclopia. Additionally, there are certain types of invertebrates like copepods that have one eye as well.

When was the last time a human Cyclops actually walked the earth?

The Cyclops of Greek myth likely never existed, but science gives that there is such a condition that produces one eye in animals and may do so with humans.Cyclopia (also cyclocephaly or synophthalmia) is a rare form of holoprosencephaly and is a congenital disorder (birth defect) characterized by the failure of the embryonic prosencephalon to properly divide the orbits of the eye into two cavities. Its incidence is 1 in 16,000 in born animals, and 1 in 250 in embryos.Although cyclopia is very rare, several cyclopic human babies are preserved in medical museums (e.g. The Vrolik Museum, Amsterdam).

What biome is the cyclops under?

The cyclops is typically associated with Greek mythology and is said to reside on an isolated island, not within a specific biome. In this context, the terrain would likely be rugged with cliffs and caves conducive to seclusion and mythic storytelling.