Michael Emerson's eye color is blue.
Eye color does not affect one's ability to see certain colors better. Visual acuity and color perception are determined by the structure of the eye, particularly the cones in the retina that detect color. Eye color is determined by the amount and distribution of melanin in the iris, which does not have a direct impact on color vision.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's eye color is dark brown.
Gotye has brown eyes.
Hamish Blake has blue eyes.
Aangs son bumi
Fazer's eye colour is brown, Tulisa's eye colour is blue and Dappy's eye colour is brown
The colour of Mad-Eye-Moody's special eye is 'ELECTRIC BLUE'
It symbolizes that he is a master airbender.
Your eye colour could change ...... depending on who your are . (Jacob Black is AWESOME)
her hair colour is blonde and her eye colour is blue
eye colour, hair colour, language spoken, skin colour and others
The iris is the colour part of the eye.
i dont think she cared it was a disguise
Eye colour can change with exposure to the sun. Sunlight stimulates melanin production in the eye which results in a change of colour.
her favourite eye colour is brown and blue