When food goes bad most often bacteria that are present on the food have multiplied to such a degree that they become visible and produce tastes, odors, textures and colors that were not in the original food. Mold can also develop on food, especially bread, cheese, fruits and vegetables, and produce changes in food similar to bacteria, although many molds have the appearance of fine hairs (hyphae) on their surface. Food can also undergo changes due to active enzymes within the food, especially fruit, which cause the food to ripen but if left too long can lead to overripeness.
Waste food that cannot be digested or used by the body is eliminated as feces through the bowel movements. It goes through the digestive system and is eventually excreted as solid waste.
All food was alive at one point, whether it's meat from a cow or some strawberries from the ground. Food is like flowers, it is alive until some picks it, then it dies, but not strait away, when the food goes bad is when the food "dies".
The esophagus is a muscular tube that connects the throat to the stomach. Its main function is to transport food and liquids from the mouth to the stomach through a series of coordinated muscle contractions called peristalsis.
If you accidentally inhale food, it can lead to choking or aspiration pneumonia. Choking occurs when food blocks the airway, making it difficult to breathe. Aspiration pneumonia happens when food or liquid enters the lungs, causing infection. It is important to seek medical help if you experience difficulty breathing or coughing after inhaling food.
The study of what happens to food once it enters the mouth is called oral processing. This includes the mechanical breakdown of food by chewing, mixing with saliva, and initiating the digestive process. Oral processing is important for food perception, digestion, and nutrient absorption.
what happens if the transaxle range sensor goes bad?
When food enters your body it gets digested into the intestines, then it pulls out all of the nutrients in the food and the bad stuff comes out into the toilet.
What happens when a 1989 buick reatta fuel filter goes bad?
There is a myth that Twinkies never goes bad
The food goes nowhere
When the oxygen sensor goes bad, the check engine light goes on.
You throw it away
it happened in bonerville
motor won't start.
you cant steer
the food is then forced down the esophagus.