Something like this actually happens about once in 10,000 births-- the baby has "ambiguous" genitalia. Traditionally, this was surgically corrected immediately after delivery, but doctors now feel it's better to do a blood test to determine the chromosomal sex (that is, XX or XY) and then do corrective surgery later.
When a baby is born with both male and female parts, it is known as intersex. The specific condition can vary, but often surgery may be performed to assign a gender and correct any physical abnormalities. Counseling and support are essential for the individual and their family to navigate the complexities of intersex conditions.
Umm no. i found out today that a baby can be born with two gender fenale and male one of my mothers friend was suppose to be a boy but her mother told the doctor to make her female or whatever but she was reall yto be a boy but as when time went on she felt different so she went to the doctor and doctor said that you suppose to be a boy but your mother made u a girl and the she had tto get her self fix and she is know a boy because when the did the sugery the left the part of the man penis in her and know that she know she is happy and proud and he has a sun with his wife lilly yes you can have two gender and she is right above me
the baby is a female
The breast feeds the baby. It produces milk that provides essential nutrients and antibodies necessary for the baby's growth and development.
Anencephaly is caused by a failure of the neural tube to close properly during fetal development, leading to incomplete formation of the brain and skull. This results in the baby being born without parts of the brain and skull.
During pregnancy, the umbilical cord connects the baby to the placenta inside the mother's womb. It provides nutrients and oxygen to the baby and removes waste products. After the baby is born, the umbilical cord is clamped and cut, and the remaining stump eventually falls off.
The uterus, also known as the womb, is the part of a female's body that holds the baby while it grows during pregnancy. It provides a safe environment for the developing fetus to receive nutrients and grow until it is ready to be born.
the equation of sex is:male + female + sex equal a parts of the male and the female and born a baby.
a new baby is born......simple
the baby is a female
No such event. Within eight days, all male Jewish babies have a circumcision and all female Jewish babies having a baby-naming.
sexuality is not binary (male/female) it is a wide continuous spectrum from male (psyche) with male parts (anatomy) over male with female parts to female with male parts and female with female parts and even male & female psyches with male and female anatomy!
Baby can died
Baby elephants are born just like humans. When the parents, a male and a female elephant mate, the female elephant becomes pregnant. After a gestation period the baby elephant is born.
A baby is born.
it masterbates
the same as a baby born any other day