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I'm really confused. Does a human child is half time lord?

true answer: srry but it dies because human brains are slowish and timelords are always thinking scheming runn 100000 miles an hour which would kill a human there for he cant but he does have a clone like thing where his hands that was cut off and has reginarating powers touched by Donna noborn makes another doctor half human and she becomes have time lord and nearly dies (the other doctor stays with rose and they are married or something idk)

Okay first off if the above explanation was true the doctor would be dead. He's half human on his mother's side the film confirmed it. The reason Donna got hurt was because she is pure human and thus couldn't cope with the overload of information, like running vista on an amstrad. it might be able to cope for a short while but then the ram get clogged up. I'm probably confusing you further but, relax the doctor is half timelord so a half timelord half human hybrid could be born safely.

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In the Doctor Who universe, the offspring of a Time Lord and a human is known as a "half-Time Lord." This hybrid may possess some Time Lord abilities, such as increased longevity or psychic abilities, but it varies depending on the storyline. The show has addressed this concept in various episodes, exploring the consequences and abilities of such hybrids.

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Q: What happens when a Time Lord has an offspring with a human?
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What is an advantage for having fewer offspring?

An advantage of having fewer offspring is being able to allocate more resources, time, and attention to each individual offspring, increasing their chances of survival and success. Additionally, having fewer offspring can reduce competition among siblings for resources.

How can one species evolve from two species?

One way a new species can evolve from two species is through hybridization, where individuals from different species mate and produce offspring with a unique combination of traits. Over time, if these hybrids continue to reproduce and establish their own population separate from the parent species, they can evolve into a distinct species through genetic isolation and adaptation to their specific environment.

Why do humans usually produce only one baby at a time?

Humans typically produce one baby at a time because this allows for more individual care and attention to be given to each offspring, increasing their chances of survival. Additionally, the human body has evolved to carry and birth one baby at a time efficiently to ensure the health of both mother and child.

How many offspring does asexual reproduction produce?

Asexually reproducing organisms typically produce genetically identical offspring, with the exact number varying depending on the species and reproductive method. Some organisms can produce large numbers of offspring in a short period, while others may have fewer offspring but invest more resources in each individual.

How many babies do flatworms get in a month?

Some species of flatworms can reproduce asexually by splitting in half. Each half can regenerate into a new individual. Consequently, a flatworm could potentially produce offspring every time it splits, rather than waiting for a specific mating season.

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An advantage is that the births of the offspring can be controlled and become more spaced out, a disadvantage is that if something happens to the offspring, thats it until next time, larger numbers tend to have a greater chance of survival because of how many are born

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1 offspring at a time, with an approximate gestation period of 2 years.

Four children born to the same mother at the same time?

In other words 6 twins born at the same time And they are called Sextuplets.. Five offspring - quintuplets Six offspring - sextuplets Seven offspring - septuplets Eight offspring - octuplets Nine offspring - nonuplets Ten offspring - decaplets

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the human body gets turned on :P Derrh!! boner time for boys, and moist pussies for girls

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Its a time when the body has a sudden change in height. Usually happens in teen years.

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Hemorrhage is essentially the loss of blood, very quickly. This can happen inside or outside of the human body and most of the time it happens quick.

What is ten babies born at the same time to the same mother called?

DecapletsHere's the full list of terms for multiple births:· Two offspring - twins· Three offspring - triplets· Four offspring - quadruplets· Five offspring - quintuplets· Six offspring - sextuplets· Seven offspring - septuplets· Eight offspring - octuplets· Nine offspring - nonuplets· Ten offspring - decaplets· Eleven offspring - undecaplets· Twelve offspring - duodecaplets· Thirteen offspring - tredecaplets· Fourteen offspring - quattrodecaplets· Fifteen offspring - quindecaplets

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most of the time if you get an air bubble you die

How is Doctor Who is a time lord?

The Doctor is time lord if you have watch it then you willknow he has two heart and he is the last time lord a live he is an alive but does like an ugly green alive. he look normal human he can not died he regeneration that when go in this time machine every thing change into a different person as the doctor or some thing if he does died some one first kill him then regeneration then he or she does it to he then can regeneration once more so he will dead.

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The average number of offspring for humans at one time is approximately 1.362

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happens all the time.. it's human's nature to judge