

What happens to the seed in the soil?

Updated: 6/19/2024
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11y ago

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When a seed is planted in soil, it germinates by absorbing water and nutrients from the soil. The seed then undergoes cell division and growth, sending up shoots and roots to establish itself as a new plant. Over time, the seed coat may decompose as the plant grows larger.

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Q: What happens to the seed in the soil?
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What happens to a seed when planted in loan soil?

When planted in loose soil, a seed is more likely to germinate successfully because it has access to oxygen, moisture, and nutrients needed for growth. In compacted soil, the seed may struggle to germinate due to lack of aeration and water penetration, which can hinder root development and overall growth.

How do you start eucalyptus tree from seed pod?

To start a eucalyptus tree from a seed pod, collect the seeds when the pod has fully dried on the tree. Separate the seeds from the pod and plant them in seed-starting mix, lightly covering them with soil. Keep the soil moist and place the container in a warm, sunny location to encourage germination.

What happens if you watered a seed with carbonated water?

Watering a seed with carbonated water may lead to inhibited seed germination due to the presence of carbonation, which can affect the oxygen levels in the soil and hinder nutrient uptake. The carbonation may also alter the pH of the soil, making it less ideal for seed growth. It is best to use regular water for watering seeds to provide optimal conditions for germination.

What is the first part to emerge from a germinating seed?

The radicle is the first part to emerge from a germinating seed. It is the embryonic root that grows downward into the soil to anchor the plant and absorb water and nutrients.

Which part of a seed grows downwards?

The root of a seed grows downwards into the soil. It helps anchor the plant in the ground and absorbs water and nutrients essential for the plant's growth.

Related questions

What happens when plants grow in an area and what takes place in the soil?

What happens in the soil is called germination and what happens is the fertile seed is planted and the roots go down into the ground to collect the nutrients for when the plants pop out of the ground

What happens to a seed when planted in loan soil?

When planted in loose soil, a seed is more likely to germinate successfully because it has access to oxygen, moisture, and nutrients needed for growth. In compacted soil, the seed may struggle to germinate due to lack of aeration and water penetration, which can hinder root development and overall growth.

When you plant a pea describe what happens to the seed when it germinates?

At the time of pea seed germination only plumule comes out from the soil because its mode of germination is hypogeal. The entire seed remains undergound except the plumule.

What are the aim's of seed bed preparation?

The aims of seed bed preparation are to create a favorable environment for seed germination and plant growth by breaking up soil clumps, incorporating organic matter, leveling the soil surface, and promoting good seed-to-soil contact. This process helps to ensure uniform seed placement, good seed-soil contact, and optimal conditions for seedling emergence and establishment.

How do you plant bean seed?

the answer is to put the soil,seed and water and it will grow:>

How does a seed grows in a cone?

by soil

What happens if the seed do not get air?

the seed will not grow.

What happens when mongo seed is planted in sandy soil?

When mongo seed is planted in sandy soil, it can easily establish root systems due to the loose texture of the soil. However, sandy soil tends to drain quickly and may not retain enough moisture for optimal growth. To address this, it is important to provide frequent irrigation and incorporate organic matter into the sandy soil to improve water retention and nutrient availability for the mongo plant.

How does the soil acidity affects the seed germination?

If the acidity of soil is too high, the germination of a seed will either be slowed or the seed may not grow at all. Some plants are very sensitive to the level of acidity in the soil and need to be treated carefully.

What happens to each part of the red kidney bean as the seed turns into a plant?

Its seed is transformed in to the plant. The radicle forms the root, cotyledones form cotyledonary leaves, shoot comes out from the plumule and seedcoat remains burried in the soil.

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How fast will a seed grow in backyear soil?

The answer to your question depends on what type of seed you are referring to.