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Crenation is the contraction of a cell after exposure to a hypertonic solution, due to the loss of water through osmosis. The word is from the Latin "crenatus" meaning scalloped or notched, and is named for the scalloped-edged shape the cells take on when crenated.

Crenation occurs because in a hypertonic environment, (that is, the cell has a lower concentration of solutes and, therefore, higher water potential than the surrounding extracellular fluid), osmosis (the diffusion of water) causes a net movement of water out of the cell, causing the cytoplasm to decrease in its volume. As a result the cell shrinks and forms abnormal notchings around its edges.

The effects of crenation are especially visible in red blood cells, or erythrocytes, as they become distorted in shape rather than maintaining the usual disc-like shape with the dimple that the blood cell normally has. Instead, the red blood cell looks as if it has legs extending from a smaller central area, like a spiked ball.

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6mo ago

Crenation in relation to red blood cells (RBCs) refers to the shrinking and deformation of the cells when exposed to a hypertonic solution (higher solute concentration outside the cell). This causes water to move out of the cell, leading to a wrinkled appearance due to the decreased volume of the cell.

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